Data publication: A network-based approach to identifying correlations between phylogeny, morphological traits and occurrence of fish species in US river basins.

Data publication: A network-based approach to identifying correlations between phylogeny, morphological traits and occurrence of fish species in US river basins.

Tripathi, R.; Reza, A.; Su, G.; Mertel, A.; Calabrese, J.


There are three primary datasets used in this work.These were obtained from Dr. Guohuan Su (co-author on the paper) . 1. Phylogenetic distance data sets between all fish species in the US. 2. Morphological traits dataset that list 10 traits information of fish species. 3. Occurrence dataset that list occurrence information of fish species in HUC8 regions of the US There is one dataset that lists exotic species in the US. The entries for exotic species are removed from about datasets before analysis.

Keywords: Complex Networks; Phylogenetic Distance; Morphological Traits; Species Co-occurrence

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