Results of a three-dimensional hexagonal kinetic benchmark problem

Results of a three-dimensional hexagonal kinetic benchmark problem

Kereszturi, A.; Telbisz, M.; Grundmann, U.; Krell, J.


The recent safety analysis investigations of the VVER type reactors require the use of three-dimensional hexagonal kinetic codes. For this purpose the codes KIKO3D and DYN3D were developed in the Atomic Research Institute Budapest and in the Research Center Rossendorf, respectively. The kinetic codes have to be validated before being used for safety assessments. A benchmark problem is defined, as the first step of the validation procedure of hexagonal kinetic programs.
The problem describes a rod ejection transient in a VVER-type geometry, where the worth of the ejected rod is just below the prompt critical value. The initial power is near to zero and the power rise is not too large. Therefore, the transient can be treated without feedback based on given the time-dependence of the cross sections and geometry.
KIKO3D results are presented, i.e the solution of time dependent nodal equations by the Improved Quasistatic (IQS) Method. The time dependence of the integrated power and the reactivity are compared with the adiabatic results. These results are also compared with the results of two different DYN3D calculations carried out in Rossendorf and in Berlin.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ENS Regional Meeting in Portoroz 1993 "Nuclear Energy in Central Europe: Present and Perspectives"


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