Positron emission tomography for dose localization and beam monitoring in light ion tumour therapy.

Positron emission tomography for dose localization and beam monitoring in light ion tumour therapy.

Enghardt, W.; Hasch, B.-G.; Manfraß, P.; Pawelke, J.; Sobiella, M.; Blochberger, P.; Friedrich, A.; Geißel, H.; Irnich, H.; Kraft, G.; Magel, A.; Münzenberg, G.; Nickel, F.; Poppensieker, K.; Schall, I.; Schardt, D.; Scheidenberger, C.; Voss, B.; Ziegler, C.

  • Poster
    Medical Physics '93, 22-24 Sep 1993, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
    Book of Abstracts(1993)F-218
    Proceedings, Vol. 2(1993)321-324
  • Contribution to external collection
    Medical Physics '93, 22-24 Sep 1993, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
    Book of Abstracts(1993)F-218
    Proceedings, Vol. 2(1993)321-324

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