
Porträt Prof. Dr. Kvashnina, Kristina; FWOS

Prof. Dr. Kristina Kvashnina

Head of Department "Molecular Structures"
Responsible for the BM20 (ROBL) beamline at ESRF

Phone: +33 476 88 2367


Beamline layout

  • The Optics hutch to tune the synchrotron beam for the experiments
  • Two Radiochemistry Hutches, RCH-1 and RCH-2, which can be reached through an entrance lock and allow handling of radionuclides
  • Four Experimental Stations: XAFS, XES, XRD-1 and XRD-2
  • A detailled description can be found in this Journal of Synchrotron Radiation article 

ROBL-II Beamline Layout ©Copyright: Claußner, Jürgen