Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Personnel Affairs
Ms. Ines Göhler
HR Business Partner Vocational training and further education
Bautzner Landstraße 400 - 01328 Dresden
Area of responsibility
- Organization of the central vocational training
- Supporting and advising trainees and dual students on all aspects of vocational training for the following professions and dual study programs:
- Electronic technician for automation technology (f/m/d)
- Electronics technician for devices and systems (f/m/d)
- Industrial mechanics (f/m/d)
- Technical product designers (f/m/d)
- Bachelor of Science - Laboratory and Process Engineering - specializing in Radiation Technology (f/m/d)
- Bachelor of Science - Business Information Technology (f/m/d)
- Bachelor of Engineering - Information Technology (f/m/d)
- Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration - specialization in Industry (f/m/d)
- Vocational training marketing
- Further education management (including in-house seminars, HZDR Technician Academy, German and English courses)