Your Career at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
HZDR as Employer
The HZDR aims to provide optimal working conditions for its employees. The work-life balance is therefore continuously improved. We also put emphasis on the integration of international colleagues and on health prevention through sport and health counseling.
Vacancy Notices / Jobs
Join our team!
We are looking forward to welcome new employees in all research areas and departments.
We are looking forward to welcome new employees in all research areas and departments.
International Office
The International Office (IO) advises and supports visiting scientists and researchers, PhD students and postdocs from abroad as well as international users of our research facilities - together with their families - in organizing, preparing, and implementing their stay here in Dresden.
Career Center for Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs
As the central contact and service point for all questions about the promotion of young talents during and after completing their doctorate, the aim of this center is to optimally support the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in their decision-making and the subsequent planning and implementation of further career steps.
PhD Students
Currently, there are about 170 PhD students working with us. The programs offered by the HZDR are in close collaboration with Saxon universities. Welcome also to our International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet).
Students and Graduates
Due to its unique research facilities the HZDR offers first-class conditions for practical training periods and dissertations. The HZDR institutes are engaged in interdisciplinary research within all natural-scientific fields as well as in medicine and pharmacology. Studies in the engineering and information sciences are also possible. Each year there is a Summer Student Program for international students at HZDR.
Junior Research Groups
The Helmholtz Association and the HZDR attach great importance to excellent support for young researchers, as young scientists will be the leading minds of tomorrow. The junior research groups at HZDR are already making a significant contribution to our research results.
Vocational Training
We are currently employing around 30 trainees in ten vocational training professions and four dual study programs. Our trainees are taught by motivated and qualified trainers. The HZDR has repeatedly been awarded the title of "outstanding training company" by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Courses on Radiation Protection
The HZDR Research Site in Leipzig offers radiation protection courses for students, technicians and researchers on the following topics: basics of radioactivity, nuclear physics instrumentation, radiobiology and radiation protection, legal basics for radiation protection, application of radionuclides in natural sciences, medicine and technology, environmental radioactivity.
Alumni Engagement at HZDR
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has an alumni network. Regular events take place which enable an intensive exchange of alumni.