
Porträt Dr. Göttling, Janine; FSCC

Photo: Detlev Müller

Dr. Janine Göttling

Career Counselling Academia and Science Management
Postdoc Cen­ter HZDR-TUD
Phone: +49 351 260 2204

Teaching Experiences with the Teaching Synergies Program

Would you like to gain teaching experience and acquire didactic qualifications? With the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching at the TU Dresden, we can support you as a junior scientist at this. Through systematically integration in research-oriented teaching at the TU Dresden, by joint activities with lecturers in form of teaching tandems and a specially designed qualification program, you will benefit from this program as a postdoc for your future academic career.

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The Teaching Synergies Program of the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching is based on three elements:

  • OPAL self-study course for the acquisition of basics of didactics higher education research-oriented teaching
  • Certificate for research-oriented teaching following the implementation of a research-oriented course (in a teaching tandem) with accompanying qualification in didactics for research-oriented teaching
  • recognition of research-oriented teaching activities and support in preparation for a professorship

The program is aimed at:

  • researchers of DRESDEN-concept institutions who aspire to a career at a university and would like to gain experience and qualifications in teaching and didactics.
  • lecturers at TU Dresden who are interested in cooperation with researchers of DRESDEN-concept institutions or who would like to further develop already existing cooperations in the context of joint teaching activities.

By participating in the Teaching Synergies Program, you create added value for your career development, so you gain teaching experience and particularly didactic qualifications, and you can bring your current research results into teaching. Your visibility will be increased by participating in the program. In addition, networking and cooperation opportunities with lecturers from the TU Dresden are made possible for you, so that the Teaching Synergies Program offers an initiation for research collaborations through joint teaching activities.

Do you have any questions about the program? Would you like to participate in the program to gain teaching experience? Feel free to contact us by email at

photo: Dr. Claudia Arndt ©Copyright: Amac Garbe

Dr. Claudia Arndt

photo: Amac Garbe

Here, Dr. Claudia Arndt, group leader “Engineered T-cells for personalized cancer therapy” – Department of Radioimmunology, successful graduate of the Teaching Synergies Program, reports on her experiences with the program:

“When you come from a non-university institution like HZDR, access to teaching is not exactly easy. This is where the program comes in: It has made the preparation for my first course much easier by providing me with a wide range of support. My seminar on immunology has been a complete success thanks to taking part in the program. I especially enjoyed the interaction with the students.”

In the program, Dr. Claudia Arndt received didactic support for teaching from the ZiLL over several months. She formed a teaching tandem with Prof. Marc Schmitz, head of the Institute of Immunology at the University Hospital. He supported her in particular in working out the scientific aspects of the seminar. At the same time, she learned the basics of didactics in a self-study course and then tested these in four 90-minute seminars for students of human medicine. Laura Kaden, officer of the Teaching Synergies Program at the TU Dresden, also advised her on teaching methods and facilitated exchanges with other lecturers at the university.