Matter and Materials Research

In the research area Matter and Materials, the components of matter from elementary particles to the structures in the universe as well as materials under extreme conditions - such as very high magnetic fields and very low temperatures - are investigated with the aim to improve established materials and develop new ones.

A new type of superconductor: FFLO phase detected for the first time

In the superconducting state, materials can conduct current almost without electrical resistance. Superconductivity is therefore used wherever strong currents and large magnetic fields are needed. The researchers Fulde, Ferrell, Larkin and Ovchinnikov already predicted an exotic form of superconductivity in the 1960s. It is named as the "FFLO phase" after these scientists. More than 50 years later, HZDR researchers succeeded in proving its existence with experiments.

The film was made in 2017, in cooperation with nufan-Film, Berlin.

Terahertz radiation source for the laboratory bench: TeraSED

Terahertz radiation source for the laboratory bench: TeraSED

In the electromagnetic spectrum, terahertz radiation lies between the infrared range and microwaves. It offers a variety of new applications for materials research, medicine and other fields, which currently are intensively investigated. With TeraSED, researchers at the HZDR have developed an innovative, compact terahertz source.

The film was made in 2017, in cooperation with nufan-Film, Berlin.

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