
Department of Exploration
Dr. Richard Gloaguen

Department of Analytics
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer
Dr. Axel Renno

Exploration and characterization of metalliferous raw materials

Traditional techniques applied to raw material exploration are costly, time-consuming, and leave a significant environmental footprint. That is why, a particular focus of our research is to develop comprehensive and fast drill core mapping routines to extract the most information out of any sample taken. At the same time, we are investigating low environmental and societal impact exploration technologies to decrease the amount of drilling needed. Another cornerstone of our research is the development of models that take into consideration all relevant raw material characteristics in an effort to predict the outcomes of mining, mineral beneficiation and metallurgical extraction already at an early exploration stage. We do so by advancing the concept of predictive geometallurgy.

Our extensive knowledge in exploration and characterization is also applied to increasingly complex secondary raw material streams. To this end, we develop new characterization techniques and multi-sensor systems in combination with data processing routines for a detailed, fast, and cost-efficient identification of complex raw materials.

Research topics

Method and sensor development

Through method and sensor development, we enable rapid and accurate raw materials’ exploration and characterization. Our research covers the following topics:

Data integration

How to make use of the vast data collected during exploration and characterization is being investigated in the topics:

Applications and transfer

With all our workflows being open-source and our datasets published as open benchmark data, we encourage the dissemination and collaborative development in the wider research community. Through industry cooperation and case studies, we transfer our extensive knowledge, novel methods and tools into practice as for example in:

Through our spin-offs companies, we demonstrate a successful transfer of our extensive knowledge from science to industry: