Graduate seminars and summer schools to maintain competencies in the field of nuclear safety and radiation research

Within the BMBF joint research project the following graduate seminars should be held:

Topic Place Date
Kickoff meeting HZDR 24.02.-25.02.2010
Experimental systems and methods for transmutation research PTB Braunschweig 04.10.-06.10.2010
Theoretical fundamentals for nuclear processes in heavy nuclei Universität Köln 14.03.-16.03.2011
Calculational methods and simulations for nuclear reactions relevant to transmutation
enclosed in the Advanced Summer School SSRDM 2011
TU München 24.07.-29.07.2011
Actinides and Radiochemistry Universität Mainz 21.05.-23.05.2012
Nuclear Physics Data for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste

(Downlaod talks and conference photo)

Bad Honnef 25.02.-27.02.2013