IT security at the HZDR
The IT infrastructure is the heart of the research center and indispensable part not only of office and mobile life, but also the large-scale equipment. To protect this sensitive infrastructure against attacks and influences from the inside and the outside is also a central task of IT security and requires a high level of effort. The object of the IT security is to identify risks and determine appropriate technical and organizantional means of defense. Many scientific results of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf are publicly available. But several collegues also edit many sensitive and confidential research-, customer- and employee-information. It would cause significant damage if they fell into the wrong hands. Therefore, it is of highest priority, to protect sensitive information.
Attackers focus on the supposedly weakest link in the security chain: humans. About 70 percent of the succesful attacks require the active assistance of the user. You open an email-attachment, click a link or plug in an USB stick. Therefore, the safety-conscious of the employees is essential for the research center.
At the HZDR an IT security report is being created and reported to the Board quarterly by the IT Security Officer. The principles and responsibilities of the HZDR are documented in the Information Security Guideline. The following websites provide information on services and measures for users and administrators.
>>>>>>Report IT security incident<<<<<<
IT security for users (videos)