Publikationen Hadronenphysik 2002

B. Hong, Y. J. Kim, D. H. Kang, Y. Leifels, F. Rami, B. de Schauenburg,K. S. Sim, J. P. Alard, A. Andronic, V. Barret, Z. Basrak, N. Bastid, G. Berek, R. Caplar, P. Crochet, A. Devismes, P. Dupieux, M. Delalija, C. Finck, Z. Fodor, A. Gobbi, Yu. Grishkin, O. N. Hartmann, N. Herrmann, K. D. Hildenbrand, J. Kecskemeti, M. Kirejczyk, P. Koczon, M. Korolija, R. Kotte, T. Kress, R. Kutsche, A. Lebedev, X. Lopez, W. Neubert, D. Pelte, M. Petrovici, W. Reisdorf, D. Schüll, Z. Seres, B. Sikora, V. Simion, K. Siwek-Wilczyska, V. Smolyankin, M. R. Stockmeier, G. Stoicea, P. Wagner, K. Winiewski,  D. Wohlfarth, I. Yushmanov, A. Zhilin (FOPI Collaboration)
Proton and deuteron rapidity distributions and nuclear stopping in 96 Ru(96 Zr)+96Ru(96Zr) collisions at 400A MeV
Phys. Rev. C 66 (2002) 034901

A. Förster for the KaoS Collaboration, (I. Böttcher, A. Förster, E. Grosse, P. Koczon, B. Kohlmeyer, M. Menzel, L. Naumann, H. Oeschler, F. Pühlhofer, W. Scheinast, E. Schwab, P. Senger, Y. Shin, H. Ströbele, C. Sturm, F. Uhlig, W. Walus, A. Wagner)
Kaon and Antikaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at 1.5 A GeV
J. Phys. G 28 (2002) 2011

C. Sturm for the KaoS Collaboration, (I. Böttcher, M. Debowski, A. Förster, E. Grosse, P. Koczon, B. Kohlmeyer, F. Laue, M. Mang, L. Naumann, H. Oeschler, F. Pühlhofer, E. Schwab, P. Senger, Y. Shin, J. Speer, H. Ströbele, C. Sturm, G. Surowka, F. Uhlig, A. Wagner, W. Walus)
Kaon and Antikaon Production in Dense Nuclear Matter
J. Phys. G 28 (2002) 1895

B. Kämpfer, R. Kotte, C. Hartnack, J. Aichelin,
f Puzzle in Heavy-Ion Collisions at 2 AGeV: How Many K- from f Decays?
J. Phys. G 28 (2002) 2035

H. W. Barz, M. Zétényi, Gy. Wolf, B. Kämpfer
Subthreshold f Meson Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Nucl. Phys. A 705 (2002) 223

M. Zénétyi, H.W. Barz, Gy. Wolf, B. Kämpfer
Production of f Mesons in Subthreshold Heavy-Ion Collisions
J. Phys. G 28 (2002) 2133

L. P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer
Polarization Observables in the Reaction pn ® df
Eur. Phys. J. A 14 (2002) 211

A. Titov, B. Kämpfer, B. L. Reznik
Production of w and f Mesons in Near-Threshold p N Reactions: Baryon Resonances and Validity of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka Rule
Phys. Rev. C 65 (2002) 065202

S. S. Semikh, S. M. Dorkin, L. P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer
Charge-Exchange Reaction pD ® n(pp) within the Bethe-Salpeter Approach
Phys.Atom.Nucl. 65 (2002) 442, Yad. Fiz. 65 (2002) 469

B. Kämpfer, K. Gallmeister, O. P. Pavlenko, C. Gale
Dileptons and Photons from Central Heavy Ion Collisions at CERN-SPS
Nucl. Phys. A 698 (2002) 424c

S. Zschocke, O.P. Pavlenko, B. Kämpfer
Evaluation of QCD Sum Rules for Light Vector Mesons at Finite Density and Temperature
nucl-th/0205057 Eur. Phys. J. A

K. Gallmeister, B. Kämpfer, O. P. Pavlenko
Dependence of Energy Loss of Jets on the Initial Thermodynamic State of Deconfined Matter at RHIC
Phys. Rev. C 66 (2002) 014908

J. Cleymans, B. Kämpfer, S. Wheaton
Centrality Dependence of Thermal Parameters in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energies
Phys. Rev. C 65 (2002) 027901

S. Zschocke, G. Plunien, G. Soff
Renormalization of the Two-Photon Vacuum Polarization and the Self Energy Vacuum Polarization for a Tightly Bound Electron
Eur. Phys. J. D 19 (2002) 147

Goidenko, I., G. Plunien, S. Zschocke, L. Labzowsky, G. Soff
Evidence for the Absence of Regularization Corrections to the Partial-Wave Renormalization Procedure in One-Loop Self-Energy Calculations in External Fields
Phys. Rev. A 65 (2002) 042110