Evaluation of the German Science Council
On the basis of the project proposal to the construction of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory and an extensive evaluation, the Wissenschaftsrat has expressed his strong support and recommendation in the year 2002 (see press release No. 18, 20 and No. 24 of the year 2002):
The HLD was assigned to the first group of large-scale facilities, whose implementation will provide “research infrastructures of a new quality, will contribute significantly to the development of the field of research […] and are expected to lead to new scientific knowledge”. They are “considered by the Science Council to merit unconditional support. Convincing scientific programs and technical design reports have been presented for these projects.” […] The planned laboratory for long pulsed, extremely high magnetic fields of up to 100 Tesla allows completely new experiments to be conducted in condensed matter physics and the material sciences.
Upon the recommendation of the “Wissenschaftsrat”, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as well as the Saxon Ministry for Science and Art (SMWK) have granted the funding approval and started the financial support of the project in 2003. Thereupon the construction work of the Dresden HLD (generating pulsed high magnetic fields at the location of the FZD) was started, beginning immediately with the construction of the laboratory building, the workshop hall, the power supply facility, the planning and construction of the pulsed magnetic coils, and the planning of the experimental instrumentation.