
Curriculum vitae: Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Schmidt


1967 - 1973 Studies of physics, State University of St. Petersburg


1972 Diplom-Physiker, Department of Physics, State University of St. Petersburg
Bestimmung der Atomkonstanten des 6P-Niveaus von 85Rb
(Determination of atomic constants of the 6P-level of  85Rb)

1976 Dr. rer. nat., Department of Physics, State University of St. Petersburg
Messung der Stark-Konstante der ersten angeregten 2P-Zustände in Rhubidium und Cäsium
(Stark-constant measurement of the first excited 2P-levels in rubidium and cesium)


1973 Scientific asistent at the Department of Physics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
1973 - 1976  PhD student at the Department of Physics, State University of St. Petersburg
1977 - 1979  Research scientist at the Central Institute for Nuclear Research, Rossendorf
1979 - 1980  Head of the Semiconductor Detector Department, Central Institute for Nuclear Research, Rossendorf
1981 - 1991  Head of the Semiconductor Sensor and Preparation Department, Central Institute for Nuclear Research, Rossendorf
1992 - 1995  Research Scientist at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Research Center Rossendorf
Since  1995  Head of the Preparation Department at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

Working areas (past and present)

- Semiconductor technology, especially wet chemical etching for 3D structuring of silicon and ion implantation
- Semiconductor devices and corresponding measuring techniques
- Ion beam synthesis of nanocrystals