Modeling of thermo- and fluid-dynamic processes during depressurisation of chemical reactors
- Development of the one-dimensional transient model BRICK for multiphase vessel flow
- Analysis, simulation and experiments investigating pulsations of the mass flow rate during depressurisation of reactors
- Small scale blow-down experiments with thermal induced decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
- Integration of foam models into one-dimensional transport codes
Figure: Schemo of the special PIC-method applied in BRICK
D. Lucas, A new one-dimensional Particle-In-Cell model for multiphase vessel flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 38(1999)758-768
D. Lucas, BRICK - A1-D Tool for transient Multiphase Vessel Flow Simulations based on a new Particle Method, 2nd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa, May 23-26, 1999, Proceedings, Volume 3, pp. 1657-1664
D. Lucas, BRICK - ein Simulationstool für Mehrphasenströmungen in Behältern, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 71(1999)713-717
D. Lucas, BRICK - a one-dimensional simulation tool for multiphase flow in vessels, Chemical Engineering and Technology 23(2000)845-849
Pulsations of the mass flow rate during pressure relief
D. Lucas, H.-M. Prasser, Pulsations of the Mass Flow Rate during Pressure Relief, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42(2003)5-14
Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
D. Lucas, H.-M. Prasser, T. Kern, Die thermische Zersetzung von Wasserstoffperoxid als Modellreaktion für die Druckentlastung, 4. Fachtagung Anlagen-, Arbeits- und Umweltsicherheit, Köthen, 5./6. November 1998, Preprints P9
this work was supported by the Volkswagenstiftung.