My APE-PAW Analysis (conversion of LMD files to Ntuple files)
How to produce the PAW ntuple (ntuple id=10, default filename=~/rpcntu/rpc_ntu10.his)
from a list-mode data (lmd) file generated by mbs:
useful links:
~/rpcdata -> /gfs/data/hadron/rpc/data/
~/rpcntu -> /gfs/data/hadron/rpc/ntu/
- for lmd files generated by VME+CAMAC system read out by RIO4 at ELBE
- adam2:~> cd ~/ape
- for lmd files generated by VME system read out by RIO5 in lab. 009 (H120)
- adam2:~> cd ~/ape/lab009
- if necessary edit uanal101.f, uastart.f, uastop.f, Makefile
- adam2:~/ape> make
- adam2:~/ape> runape
Workstation type: 1
- PAW+APE> ape/file [filename]
- PAW+APE> ape/run [nevent] [necho]
- do one plot command (otherwise ntuple file might not be complete!)
PAW+APE> n/pl 10.vtdc1
- PAW+APE> quit
- mv ~/rpcntu/rpc_ntu10.his ~/rpcntu/new_filename
- adam2:~/ape> cd ~/paw
- adam2:~/paw> pawfopi
Workstation type: 1
- NOTE: for analyses in PAW, read the file with LRECL=16384:
PAW_FOPI> h/fil 30 ../rpcntu/[new_filename] 16384
- PAW_FOPI> ntu/recover 10
- PAW_FOPI> ntu/pri 10
- if necessary edit selection routine:
PAW_FOPI> shell xemacs sel_rpc_ntu10.for &
- PAW_FOPI> ntu/loop 10 sel_rpc_ntu10.for
- ...