The Detector Laboratory
The detector laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear and Hadron Physics (INH) provides infrastructure and technical support for developing, manufacturing and testing radiation detector components.
Ground plan of the detector laboratory
Considering the importance of large area large volume ionization chambers, like multiwire proportional chambers (MWPC), drift chambers,time projection chambers in modern nuclear, heavy ion or particle physics experiments, special attention has been paid to the equipment for manufacturing such detectors, e. g.:
- a high-precision winding machine for producing wire planes up to an area of 2.0x3.0 m2
- air conditioned and clean rooms partially equipped with a crane;
- devices for quality assurance, e. g. for measuring the wire tension positions and distance;
- counting gas mixing and delivering apparatures;
- a CAD-system for performing complex mechanical constructions
The following detectors or detector components have been manufactured for projects with INH participation:
- 30 double-grid avalanche counters for the FOBOS - 4p particle spectrometer at the Flerov Laboratory of JINR Dubna (Russia);
- the HELITRON- encaps for the FOPI spectrometer installed at the SIS- beam of GSI Darmstadt;
- two start and two stop MWPCs for the ANKE spectrometer a COSY Jülich;
- at present the large area minidrift chambers MDCIII of the tracking system of the HADES - spectrometer that is being installed at GSI are produced.
Despite a certain specialization in large area gaseous detectors, substantial developments in other fields of radiation detection technology have been carried through:
- the 4p silocon detector RoSiB has been developed and build up.RoSiB is a charged-particle detector for the g - spectrometer EUROBALL that exploits the pulse-shape discrimination technique with "reversed" silicon detectors to identify protons and a-particles from fusion evaporation reactions.
- the positron camera BASTEI for PET quality assurance in heavy ion tumour therapy has been designed and build up from components of the ECAT EXACT positron emission tomographs of Siemens/CTI ((Knoxville, TN, USA);
- the support frames for the EUROBALL cluster detectors
- the construction and test of a 1.3 GHz cw-electron gun for producing an electron beam of high brilliance and low emittance at ELBE.
GSI Darmstadt
JINR Dubna
IN2P3 Orsay