Slow Control of the BGO Escape-Suppression Shield of the Germanium Cluster Detectors
Slow Control of the BGO Escape-Suppression Shield of the Germanium Cluster Detectors
BGO-CLUSTER monitor program manual:
UDP Server:
Start the BGO UDP data server program first using the nrfdaq account on fwklux1:
slogin nrfdaq@fwklux1
fwklux1:> cd bgo-cluster
fwklux1:~bgo-cluster> ./launch bgo-udp.lua
Test the output with
fwklux1::~bgo-cluster> ./simple-receiver
Data should appear now. If NOT then restart the frontend by
fwklux1::~bgo-cluster> telnet
# cd bin
# reboot
Then wait about 20 seconds before again
fwklux1::~bgo-cluster> ./simple-receiver
Beam Intensity Monitor
The beam intensity monitor program uses the same hardware and delivers online count rates of the beam intensity monitor (scintillator plus photomultiplier installed downstream of the photon beam dump) data to the ELBE OPC server. Start it on fwklux1 or urania in the following way:
fwklux1::~bgo-cluster> ./bim 2
BGO Monitor
Start the BGO m
onitor with the command ./data-receiver [ energy spectrum number | lower limit | upper limit ]
necessary parameters:
energy spectrum number: |
1-18 19 |
all energy spectra will be drawn
one single energy spectrum will be drawn scaler value and ratio will be drawn |
lower limit: | must be | between 0 and upper limit |
upper limit: | must be | between lower limit and 1023 |
The scaler histogram doesn't require limits, so they can be omit.
If the lower limit is less than zero it will be set to the lowest possible value.
If the upper limit is higher than 1023 it will be set to the highest possible value.
examples of correct commands:
./data-receiver 0 0 1023
./data-receiver 0 100 800
./data-receiver 9 150 730
./data-receiver 19 0 1023
./data-receiver 19
incorrect commands:
./data-receiver 23 0 1023
./data-receiver 0 700 300
Load previous data:
After successful start the program will ask if previous measurement data should be loaded or not. Enter 1 to load old data or 0 if not, then confirm with Enter. If you admit 1 the program will ask for the filename. Make sure that this file is in the same folder as the program file.
To edit current BGO monitor settings press ctrl - c while the data receiver is running. The menu will appear after the following next drawing routine. Enter the spectra setting then the lower limit and after this the upper limit. Last the program ask if the histogram(s) should only be redrawn or should be drawn online. If you enter 1 the program will redraw the histogram(s) with all data which were recorded until the ctrl - c keypress, ignoring new data in the socket buffer. After the redraw the menu will instantly appear again. If you enter 0 for online draw the BGO monitor will go back to the standard drawing routine and also records new data from the udp socket. To arrive back to the menu a repressing of ctrl - c is necessary.
Leave the program:
To quit the BGO monitor go to the menu and enter 20 in the first line. After this the program will ask if the current data should be saved. Enter 1 to save the histograms or 0 if they should not be saved, then admit the filename. The BGO monitor closes in both cases after submission.
BGO data file:
The histograms are saved in ASCII format. The file consists of 1025 lines of space separated integers. The first 1024 lines contains the histogram data ( a line stands for one single channel, a column stands for one single histogram). The last line includes additional information in the following structure:
[ number of packages ] [ 18 scaler values ] [ time scaler value ] 18x[ 51 binned histogram data ]
Important Note:
Never close the graphic window. It closes by self.
Never answer a program question with a character. This would cause a hang up ( If this happened press ctrl - c in the console. Current data will be saved in the backup file BGO_backup.txt. ).
It is advisable to save the data in a .txt file ( e.g. BGO_Data.txt ).
Screenshots of the ADC monitor and the Cluster-BGO scaler monitor: