Subject and Goal
Analysis and control of fluid flows, often subsidiary to industrial design issues, require measurements of the flow field. The diagnostic of metallic and semiconductor melts pose serious problems arising from their properties. High temperatures and chemical aggressiveness render any reliable determination of the flow field a challenging task.The workshop is intended as a platform where new developments and different approaches in the field of measuring techniques and signal processing methods for liquid metal flows will be presented. The spectrum of measuring techniques is wide open, covering, for instance, local probes (such as electrical potential probes, optical probes, conductance probes, etc.), radiation techniques (X-Rays, Gamma-Ray attenuation, neutron radiography), ultrasonic techniques, thermal and electromagnetic measurements.
A key issue is the applicability of the techniques to industrial relevant processes such as metallurgical engineering, casting, solidification or crystal growth.
The goal of the workshop is to assess the state-of-the-art in the field, to identify the demand and requirements arising from various applications, to stimulate the discussion between the involved teams, and to trigger new innovative developments or co-operations. We want to bring together developers of different kinds of flow diagnostics and potential users from industry and universities.