Local video conferencing

  • A lokal videoconference allows a communication directly from the desktop computer. For video conferences with a larger group please use the HZDR video conference rooms.

  • During this conference video, sound and optionally user data (documents, screens) are exchanged between two or more sites.

  • Camera and microphone are the input devices while monitor and loadspeaker serve as output devices.

For local video conferences the HZDR offers different solutions, priority is to use the services of BigBlueButton (for HZDR internal conferences) and zoom (for more complex or large conferences):

  • BigBlueButton (up to 100 participants) is not a video remote system in this sense and should rather be considered as a "virtual classroom". It can be used for broadcasting events in the lecture hall or purely teaching events, but not for conferences in which several people talk to each other.BigBlueButton gives the presenter the opportunity to show presentations and share them with their participants. The software supports multiple audio and video formats, PDF and Office formats. Lecturers can write live, explain topics, create whiteboards and do group work. Participants can become presenters themselves. For example, to give a presentation online or present work results. The "breakout rooms" function can be used to create virtual workrooms to which specific participants can then be assigned for group work. The main window contains the presentation area with whiteboard functions for joint file editing. The screen (live whiteboard) can be split in order to transfer presentations on demand (desktop sharing). Sessions can be recorded via an integrated recorder. 
  • zoom: The HZDR provides its own platform for using Zoom, instructions can be found here.
  • MS Teams is allowed for video and audio conferences by invitation at the HZDR, but not for file exchange or real-time file editing. The participating users of the conference are invited via an e-mail and a web link sent out.
  • DFNConf (up to 34 participants) offers users of the X-WiN and their users as well as all other interested scientific institutions the possibility to communicate with one or more other partners from a PC, a workstation, a room system or a mobile terminal using the X-WiN. Also facilities outside the X-WiN are accessible via this service. You will find more information at DFN Conference Service of the DFN. A short instruction can you find here: Video Conferences with DFNconf

Reccommended Hardware for a video conference:

  • For notebooks with a camera in the display we recommend the use of a headset with noise reduction.
    Example: Logitech 960 USB Headset
    Headset ©Copyright: Kaulfuß, René
  • For smaller meetings in the office with 3 - 5 people, a combined solution of microphone, camera and speakers, connected via USB with a notebook or computer is recommended. Example: Logitech Connect
    connect ©Copyright: Kaulfuß, René

  • For small to medium sized conference rooms (3-10 people), please use the existing Polycom systems in buildings 110/230 104/201 613/206 801/244 513/110 613/157 613/256 108/206 240/124 270/101. Meetings with DFNconf and Zoom can be held in these rooms.
    Alternatively a mobile solution consisting of camera, control unit with loudspeaker and microphone as well as 2 table microphones. Example: Logitech Group
    group ©Copyright: Kaulfuß, René

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