Nuclear and Astrophysics Journal Club
In the journal club we discuss a recent paper on topics related to nuclear physics / nuclear astrophysics.
Date | Speaker | Article | Title |
13.10.2005 | Chithra Nair | M. Arnould, S. Goriely, Phys. Rep. 384 (2003) 1 | The p-process of stellar nucleosynthesis: astrophysics and nuclear physics status |
01.06.2007 14:00 |
Daniel Bemmerer | R. Andreasen, M. Sharma, Science 314 (2006) 80 | Solar nebula heterogeneity in p-process samarium and neodymium isotopes |
27.06.2007 14:00 |
Nadia Benouaret | R. Terlizzi, et al., Phys. Rev. C 75 (2007) 035807 | The 139La(n,γ)cross section: Key for the onset of the s-process |
04.07.2007 11:30 |
Martin Erhard | W. Rapp et al., The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ.) 653 (2006), 474 - 489 |
Sensitivity of p-Process Nucleosynthesis to Nuclear Reaction Rates in a 25 Msol |
19.07.2007 13:30 |
Chithra Nair | P.Mohr et al., Europ. Phys. Journal A 32 (2007) 357 | Photo-induced nucleosynthesis: Current problems and experimental approaches |
24.10.2007 11:00 | Roland Beyer | A. Borella et al.: Phys. Rev. C 76, 014605 (2007) | High-resolution neutron transmission and capture measurements of the nucleus Pb-206 |
14.11.2007 16:00 | Michele Marta | Brown et al., Phys. Rev. C 76, 055801 (2007) | 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be data from Seattle |
05.12.2007 | Andreas Wagner | S.J.M. Peeters, et al., Eur. Phys. Journal A 27, 17 (2006) | Salty neutrinos from the sun |
17.03.2008 14:00 | Chariklia Rouki | T. Bredeweg et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. 261, 986 (2007) | Simultaneous measurement of (n,gamma) and (n,fission) cross sections at DANCE |
07.04.2008 | Chithra Nair | J. Hasper et al., Phys. Rev. C 77, 015803 (2008) | Investigation of photoneutron reactions close to and above the neutron emission threshold... |
28.04.2008 | Michele Marta | J. Grineviciute, D. Halderson, J. Phys. G 35, 055201 (2008) | Proton capture by 14N at astrophysical energies |
02.06.2008 14:00 | Dmitry Yakorev | H. Ohshita et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 587, 259 (2008) | Neutron irradiation test of an ATLAS thin gap chamber |
09.06.2008 14:00 | Ronald Schwengner | H. Utsunomiya et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 162502 (2008) | M1 gamma-Strength for Zirconium Nuclei in the Photoneutron Channel |
16.06.2008 14:00 | Roland Beyer | A. Smith, Annals of Nuclear Energy 32, 1926 (2005) | Fast-neutrons incident on rotors: Tantalum |
17.07.2008 | Andrija Matic | D. Seweryniak et al., Phys. Rev. C 75, 062801 R (2007) | Level structure of 26Si and its implications for the astrophysical reaction rate of 25Al(p,gamma)26Si |
Date | Time | Speaker | Title |
30.08.2007 | 11:00 | Andreas Müller | Timing and energy measurements of Geiger-Photo Diodes |
07.09.2007 | 15:00 | Antonio Caciolli (Padova) | New 15N(p,gamma)16O data from LUNA |
25.10.2007 | 14:00 | Daniel Bemmerer | Precision nuclear data for astrophysics |
03.03.2008 | 15:00 | Eckart Grosse | Spreading width of the giant dipole resonance |
06.03.2008 | 14:00 | Roland Hannaske | Digitale Signalverarbeitung von BaF2- und Germaniumdetektorsignalen |
03.04.2008 | 14:00 | Ralph Massarczyk, Mathias Kempe | Ein berührungsloser Richtungssensor für Aktivierungsexperimente an ELBE |
03.04.2008 | 14:30 | Mathias Kempe | Ein FPGA-Triggerprozessor für Koinzidenzexperimente |