CFD simulation of chemical engineering processes in stirred tank reactors
Term: from 05 / 2004 Funding: base funding |
Mixing in stirred vessels is a common operation in the process industry, especially in the fine chemistry, the pharmaceutical industry and the biotechnology. In these branches, STR are widely used for batch and semi-batch processes. Numerical modelling and simulation of mixing processes in STR can contribute to:
simplification of scale-up procedures in the stage of process development,
process and plant optimisation,
hazard analyses and evaluation.
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) methods are applied to numerical flow simulation in stirred tank reactors, where CFX® is used as simulation software.
The simulation results are validated experimentally using the following imaging techniques:
X-ray tomography (e.g. cone beam tomography),
Gamma tomography.
Transient mixing of initially stratified different density liquids in a stirred tank reactor after stirrer start-up
Gassing of a liquid in a stirred tank reactor using a gas inducing turbine stirrer
Gas hold-up in the impeller region
Further information
A study on the mixing behaviour of different densities liquids in a stirred tank by passive and reactive tracers (Poster) |
Measurement and CFD prediction of a two-phase flow in a STR (Presentation) |
- H.V. Hristov, S. Boden, U. Hampel, H. Kryk; Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow in a Stirred Reactor; Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, paper PS6_8, 978-3-86010-913-7
- H.V. Hristov, H.-M. Prasser, H. Kryk, G. Hessel, W. Schmitt; Mixing behaviour of different density liquids in a stirred tank reactor; Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (submitted)