nELBE archive-manual
If you want to increase the free space at zirkonia, you have to move some list mode files to the HZDR archive. To do this, do the following:
1. goto list mode data directory at zirkonia | ssh -X ntofdaq@zirkonia password: *************** cd /hdd1/ntofdaq/lmd or cd /hdd2/ntofdaq/lmd |
2. backup all list-mode files | rsync -avr * /net/cns/projects/astro/ntof/lmd/ |
You can also use the script "backup" in the ntofdaqs home directory, which will backup not only the lmd files but also the ntofdaq home directory and the gef files:
1. goto ntofdaq home directory at zirkonia | ssh -X ntofdaq@zirkonia password: *************** |
2. backup all files | ./backup |