Electronics Scheme of the Setup for double time-of-flight measurements of inelastic neutron scattering
(old version up to March 2010)
We use the following electronics for the readout of the whole setup:
RIO (3x) | CES RIO 3 8064 Power PC |
Trigger Module (2x) | GSI TRIVA3 |
TDC (2x) | CAEN V1190A 128ch Multihit TDC |
TAPS Module (11x) | CAEN V874B TAPS 4ch BaF2 Readout |
Scaler (3x) | SIS 3820 VME Scaler |
FPGA Trigger Logic (1x) | CAEN V1495 General Purpose Board |
Gate & Delay (6x) | home made 8 fold Feed Through + Gate & Delay Generator |
Fan Out (1x) | CAEN N105 Dual Fan-Out 1x16 |
ECL <-> NIM/TTL (1x) | Phillips 726 Level Translator |
fast Amp (1x) | Ortec 579 Fast Filter Amplifier |
Amp (1x) | Ortec 671 Spectroscopy Amplifier |
CFD (1x) | home made 5 fold Constant Fraction Trigger |
Timing Scheme
The timing scheme was produced using a pulse generator (BNC BL-2, settings: rise time = 3 ns, fall time = 30 ns) simulating the detector signals from the two bases of one scintillator panel and one base of a BaF2 detector.
The start time is given relative to the output of the first CFD. Start and length are given in micro seconds.