
Dr. Roland Beyer

Beam line scientist, radiation protection officer FWK
Nuclear Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 3281

Electronics Scheme of the Setup for double time-of-flight measurements of  inelastic neutron scattering

(old version up to March 2010)

We use the following electronics for the readout of the whole setup:

RIO (3x) CES RIO 3 8064 Power PC
Trigger Module (2x) GSI TRIVA3
TDC (2x) CAEN V1190A 128ch Multihit TDC
TAPS Module (11x) CAEN V874B TAPS 4ch BaF2 Readout
Scaler (3x) SIS 3820 VME Scaler
FPGA Trigger Logic (1x) CAEN V1495 General Purpose Board
Gate & Delay (6x) home made 8 fold Feed Through + Gate & Delay Generator
Fan Out (1x) CAEN N105 Dual Fan-Out 1x16
ECL <-> NIM/TTL (1x) Phillips 726 Level Translator
fast Amp (1x) Ortec 579 Fast Filter Amplifier
Amp (1x) Ortec 671 Spectroscopy Amplifier
CFD (1x) home made 5 fold Constant Fraction Trigger

Timing Scheme

The timing scheme was produced using a pulse generator (BNC BL-2, settings: rise time = 3 ns, fall time = 30 ns) simulating the detector signals from the two bases of one scintillator panel and one base of a BaF2 detector.
The start time is given relative to the output of the first CFD. Start and length are given in micro seconds.