Young Academics in the Institutes of Fluid Dynamics and Resource Ecology
In the Competence Center East for Nuclear Technology the HZDR, the Dresden University of Technology and the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz collaborate in the training of PhD students in nuclear technology.
With the initiative Energie 2020+, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) financed a joint project between German universities and research facilities which is coordinated by the HZDR. In this context, a graduate course in nuclear technology is offered which is open to all PhD students of the HZDR.
Furthermore, there is a "Students Competition Session" at the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE).
However, the training at the HZDR can begin earlier than with the PhD studies. At the Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Dr. Uwe Hampel alone supervised and supported more than 50 students during the last few years. Today, seven of those students work as promovendi or project staff at the HZDR and grew into young key players.
Dr. André Bieberle, shown in the photo on the left, received the "Siempelkamp Kompentenzpreis 2006" for his talk on "Measurements of the steam distribution in fuel element using newly developed high resolution gamma ray tomography" at the "Jahrestagung für Kerntechnik" in Aachen, Germany, in 2006. This is only one of the many awards Dr. Bieberle has received. The list of all the awards, that the young academics in the nuclear field of the HZDR have received in the past years is an impressive document of the success we have in promoting our young scientists |