Junior staff 2008
Learning from bacteria: the young researcher group “NanoBio” |
In 2008, there were six young researcher groups at the FZD, headed by especially qualified young scientists. The NanoBio group (nanoscopic biocompound materials) is the youngest of them, founded on May 1, 2008, at the Institute of Radiochemistry. The group is focused on research and its applications at the interface between bio and nanotechnology. Nanobiotechnology aims at, for instance, making use of the unique properties of biomolecules for the production of nanoscopic structures and devices. | |
The work of the group is centered on applications of self-organizing envelope proteins, so called S-Layer proteins, for fields like catalysis, functional layers and filter materials. A spin-off company using the potential of this research area is planned in the future. |
120 PhD students at the FZD |
There are a lot of young faces at the FZD, many of them being PhD students. Their number has continuously increased in the last years to now 120. The FZD holds special offers for its PhD students, for instance an annual seminar for all diploma and PhD students aimed at scientific exchange in a relaxed atmosphere. |
Dissertational works in 2008The following list contains an overview of the dissertational works completed a the FZD in the past year: |
Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research | |
Dr. André Dreyhaupt | Terahertz-Strahlung auf der Basis beschleunigter Ladungsträger in GaAs |
Dr. Shenqiang Zhou | Transition metal implanted ZnO: a correlation between structure and magnetism |
Institute of Radiation Physics | |
Dr. Marcus Bluhm | QCD equation of state of hot deconfined matter at finite baryon density |
Dr. Fine Fiedler | Anwendung des in-beam PET Therapiemonitorings auf Präzisionsbestrahlungen mit Helium-Ionen |
Dr. Krasimir Kosev | A high resolution time-of-flight spectrometer for fission fragments and ion beams |
Institute of Radiopharmacy | |
Dr. Martin Eiblmaier | Copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals for receptor-mediated tumor imaging and radiotherapy (E) |
Dr. Stefanie Juran | Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer sechszähniger 3,7-Diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-Derivate und ihrer radioaktiven Kupferkomplexe |
Dr. Uwe Just | Listmode-basierte Verfahren zur Erfassung und Korrektur von Herz- und Atemzyklus-korrelierten Bewegungen in der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie |
Dr. Christian Pötzsch | Entwicklung volumetrischer Verfahren für die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie zur quantitativen Bewertung und Abgrenzung von Raumforderungen bei onkologischen Fragestellungen |
Dr. Jörn Schlesinger | Oligonukleotid-basierte PET-Radiotracer zur Detektion von Tumoren |
Institute of Radiochemistry | |
Dr. Kay Grossmann | Uran(VI) Speziation in Bioliganden |
Institute of Safety Research | |
Dr. Andre Bieberle | Räumlich hoch auflösende Computertomografie mit Gammastrahlung zur Untersuchung von Mehrphasenströmungen |
Dr. Martin Schmidtke | Untersuchung der Dynamik fluider Partikel auf Basis der Volume of Fluid Methode (E) |
Dr. Marco Jose da Silva | Impedance sensors for fast multiphase flow measurement and imaging |
Dr. Roman Vaibar | Numerical and experimental approach of turbulent buoyancy driven flow in reactor safety research (E) |
Technical Services Department | |
Dr. Henrik Schulz | Polyedrisierung dreidimensionaler digitaler Objekte mit Mitteln der konvexen Hülle (E) |
The Administrative Director of the FZD, Prof. Peter Joehnk, Dr.-Ing. Andrea Holková, PhD and Prof. Ing. Branislav Mičieta, PhD (both Slovakian Technical University Bratislava) supervised the following dissertation: | |
Dr. Olga Kozikova | Führungsverhalten als Einflussfaktor auf Qualität und Effektivität in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in Deutschland und in der Slowakei (E) |
More than 50 trainees |
In addition to its junior scientific staff, the FZD is also committed to its 53 trainees, which are trained in several administrative and technical jobs. The FZD has been regularly awarded by the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce for its excellent training. One of the FZD’s former trainees, Joachim Wagner, a physics technician, was the first one to be honored as Germany’s best trainee in his vocation last year.
The FZD watches out for talented young academics also among high school pupils in Saxony, which is why the FZD coordinates a research competition: every year, physics professors from universities in Saxony select the best research papers in physics by high school pupils from schools in Saxony. |