Interface magnetism


Dr. Kay Potzger
Project group leader
Tel.: 0351-260-3244, 2411

Group members

Dr. Rantej Bali

Joao Cabaco

Former group members

Arno Wendler
Shadab Anwar
Serhii Sorokin
Hamza Cansever
Alexander Schmeink
Jonathan Ehrler
Thu Trang Trinh

Dr. Maciej Oskar Liedke
Dr. Anna Semisalova
Naren Srinivasan

Alireza Heidarian
Alevtina Smekhova
Julius Beck

Oguz Yildirim
Steffen Cornelius
Camilo Otalora

Daniel Blaschke
Maik Butterling
Nico Spahn
Falk Meutzner
Armin Haase

Tim Andrae
Kerstin Bernert
Nikolas Blum
Marcel Höwler

Tina Nestler
Julia Osten
Artem Shalimov
Georg Talut
Gufei Zhang
Shengqiang Zhou


-FWIN-G -Treffen: üblicherweise donnerstags um 14 Uhr


PREM (Preisach Simulationen)

MBE Probenblatt

Weitere Anleitungen für MBE: O:\Labs\MBE_712_108_108a


-Magnetische Materialsysteme, TUBA Freiberg, Sommersemester

Spin tranfer torque effects in metallic multilayers and tunnel structures

Funding: BMBF, FKZ 13N10144


Dr. Roland Mattheis, IPHT Jena

Dr. Dima Berkov, INNOVENT Jena


The spin-transfer-torque (STT) effect was discovered as a side effect in GMR multilayer elements. Nowadays it represents a promising approach towards switching of magnetic bits by means of electric current or the creation of electromagnetic waves due to current driven oscillations of the magnetisation. Prerequisite for such devices are nanoscale multilayer elements with a diameter below 200 nm. GMR and TMR, i.e. magneto-resistance elements allow the read out of the stored information via the electric resistance and not the magnetic stray field. Our project deals with the fabrication of such elements by means of thin film deposition and electron beam Lithography as well as understanding the generated oscillations of the magnetization and the switching process.. For the latter the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation will be applied which describes the time dependent behaviour of the magnetization and the STT effect.


Nanopillar based on a TMR multilayer (exemplarily) along with the switching behaviour of the magneto-resistance

pillars4 Left: TEM Cross section of a electrically contacted TMR nanopillar

Right: Electron microscopy of a free-standing nanopillar

switch Left: Hysteresis loops of the magneto resistance vs. dc current dependent on the external magnetic field.

Right: Dependence of the critical switching current on the external magnetic field


In preparation