Prof. Dr. Thomas E. Cowan - Institute of Radiation Physics

Prof. Dr. Thomas Cowan - Porträt für Visitenkarte   Director, Institute of Radiation Physics
Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf
PF 51 01 19
01314 Dresden, Germany

phone: +49 351 260 2270
fax: +49 351 260 3700
  Professorship for Radiation Physics
TU Dresden
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
01062 Dresden, Germany

Research Activities

Experimental nuclear, accelerator and laser-plasma physics

Curriculum Vitae

since 2008   Director, Institute of Radiation Physics, FZD
since 2008   Professor for Radiation Physics, TUD
2003-2006   Director, Nevada Terawatt Facility, University of Nevada, Reno
2003-2008   Professor of Physics (C4), University of Nevada, Reno
2000-2003   Chief Scientist, Photonics Division, General Atomics, San Diego
1989-2000   Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1988   Research Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1982-1988   Ph.D. Physik (mit Ehren) Yale University, New Haven
1977-1981   B.S. Physik (mit Ehren), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

Teaching Activities

  • lecture course, winter term 2009/2010 - Teilchenstrahlen (Particle Beams)
  • lecture course, summer term 2009 - Relativistische Optik (Relativistic Optics)
  • lecture and exercise courses , winter term 2008/2009 -Statistical Methods of Data Analysis and Moderne Entwicklungen in der Kern- und Teilchenphysik (Modern Developments in nuclear and particle physics)

Publications / Talks