Thermal hydraulic experiments for nuclear technology, chemical and process engineering
The Thermal Hydraulic test facility TOPFLOW is an important research facilities at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf e. V. It was designed for generic and applied investigation of steady state and transient two-phase flows. TOPFLOW can be used to analyse thermal hydraulic phenomena in air/water- and steam/water flows in pipes and vessel geometries of industrial relevance. In the last years many projects for safety analysis in nuclear engineering, for chemical engineering and for the oil industry were performed. The test facility can supply media with the following parameters:
- Saturated steam: pressure < 7 MPa, temperature < 286°C, mass flow < 1.4 kg/s,
- Saturated water in a circulation loop: pressure < 6.5 MPa, temperature < 281°C, mass flow < 50 kg/s,
- Air: pressure < 0.7 MPa, volume flow (normal conditions) < 900 m³/h,
TOPFLOW is equipped with special measurement sensors for flow structure and heat transfer studies (wire mesh sensors, needle shape probes, gamma ray tomography, X-ray tomography, high speed cameras, infrared cameras, heat flux probs).
We offer:
- Thermal hydraulic studies of two-phase flows up to 6,5 MPa in pipes up to 200 mm diameter,
- Experiments with test rigs (Ø < 2 m, length < 5 m) at pressure up to 5 MPa inside the pressure tank,
- Thermal hydraulic studies of two-phase flows up to 6,5 MPa in pipes up to 50 mm diameter by an ultra fast X-ray tomograph in a radiation protected room,
- Consulting about design, technical engineering and assembling of test rigs and
- Consulting about measurement technologies and concepts in the field of two-phase flows