Confirmed Speakers
- Daniele Fausti (CFELS Hamburg, Germany):
THz induced phase transitions in manganites - Jure Demsar (Univ. Konstanz, Germany):
Ultrafast phenomena in correlated electron systems - Tobias Kampfrath (AMOLF, NL and FHI Berlin, Germany):
Ultrafast THz spectroscopy of carbon materials - Rupert Huber (Univ. Konstanz, Germany):
High-field THz spectroscopy of solids - Erik Bründermann (Univ. Bochum, Germany):
Micro-spectroscopy and chemical nanoscopy using infrared and THz radiation - Michael Gensch (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany):
Coherent THz pulses from linear accelerators: challenges and opportunities - Paolo Calvani (Univ. La Sapienza, Rome, Italy):
Synchrotron based infrared & THz spectroscopy of solids - Paul Planken (TU Delft, The Netherlands):
Microscopy of the THz electromagnetic field - Mischa Bonn/Klaas-Jan Tielrooij (AMOLF, The Netherlands):
THz spectroscopy of aqueous systems - Hans Sigg (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland):
Broadband infrared pump-probe spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation - Karsten Holldack (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany):
Ultrafast resistive switching in magnetite probed by laser-induced coherent synchrotron radiation - Marek Potemski (GHMFL Grenoble, France):
Infrared and THz magnetospectroscopy of graphene - Andrei Pimenov (Univ. Würzburg, Germany):
Terahertz spectroscopy of multiferroics in magnetic fields - Alexander Schnegg (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany):
EPR studies on materials relevant for solar energy conversion – the EPR-Solar approach - Hitoshi Ohta (Kobe University, Japan):
Recent advances in high frequency ESR using a microcantilever and its application to THz ESR - Toomas Room (Nat. Inst. of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia):
Broad-band THz spectroscopy in magnetic fields: applications to the study of multiferroics - Vladik Kataev (IFW Dresden, Germany):
Probing collective spin states in cubic cobaltates by high-frequency ESR spectroscopy - Andrei Zvyagin (TU Dresden and ILTP Kharkov, Ukraine):
Features of the high-frequency ESR in one-dimensional quantum spin systems - Hans Engelkamp (Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, The Netherlands):
The Netherlands far infrared spectroscopy at the HFML - Michel Goiran (LNCMP Toulouse, France):
ESR in the THz range, recents results and experimental developments. - Anne-Laure Barra (GHMFL Grenoble, France):
HF-EPR at Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Roberta Sessoli (Univ. Firenze, Italy):
title to be announced - Karl Unterrainer (TU Wien, Austria):
THz transmission through active devices - Mark Sherwin (UCSB, USA):
FEL-based pulsed EPR spectroscopy - Sergei Zvyagin (FZD, Germany):
title to be announced - Dominik Stehr (FZD, Germany):
The Dresden FEL and the future broad-band THz source