Lebenslauf Dr. Fischer
Research Interest - Projects - Selected Publications
Work Experience - Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
- Investigation of new radiochemical tools for the insertion of positron emitters (PE) into molecules via different precursors (direct labelling procedure by nucleophilic substitution using an advantageous leaving group) or radioactive precursors (prosthetic groups and synthons)
- Radiochemical syntheses of novel brain ligands modified with PE- nuclides, in particular 18F labelled radiotracers as tools for receptor brain research and for their application in molecular imaging (PET)
- Up-scaling of radiochemical syntheses and automation using computer- controlled synthesis modules to establish a “high- level activity”- production for radiopharmaceutical manufacture
- Modern and fast separation methods for recovery and chemical analysis of radiotracers, for example solid-phase-extraction (SPE) and HPLC- procedures (particularly applications of reversed and chiral phases)
- In-vitro examination of radiotracers to determinate pharmaceutical parameters, e.g. liphophilicity, brain- permeability, plasma binding, tracer stability and metabolism in tissue modifiers using standard or developed extraction-, HPLC- and MS- methods
- In-vivo validation of radioligands in animals and patient studies, especially analytical investigations of bio-distribution of tracers and metabolites in tissue compartments (blood, brain regions, urine, faces liver, kidney) using special SPE- and HPLC- methods
Ongoing Projects
- Development of new 18F labelled ligands for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), for Sigma-1 and for GABAA- receptors
Selected Publications
- Makrides V, Bauer R, Weber W, Wester HJ, Fischer S, Hinz R, Huggel K, Opfermann T, Herzau M, Ganapathy V, Verrey F, Brust P (2007). Preferred transport of O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-D-tyrosine (D-FET) into the porcine brain. Brain Res. 1147: 25-33.
- Hoepping A, Scheunemann M, Fischer S, Deuther-Conrad W, Hiller A, Wegner F, Diekers M, Steinbach J, Brust P (2007): Radiosynthesis and biological evaluation of an 18F-labeled derivative of the novel pyrazolo-pyrimidine sedative-hypnotic agent indiplon. Nucl Med Biol. 34: 559- 70.
- Fischer S, Hiller A, Scheunemann M, Deuther-Conrad W, Hoepping A, Diekers M, Florian Wegner F, Brust P, Steinbach J (2007). Radiosynthesis of novel 18F labelled derivatives of indiplon as potential GABAA receptor imaging tracers for PET. J Label Compd Radiopharm (submitted)
- Sorger D, Scheunemann M, Grossmann U, Fischer S, Vercouille J, Hiller A, Wenzel B, Roghani A, Schliebs R, Brust P, Sabri O, Steinbach J (2007). A new 18F-labelled Fluoroacetylmorpholino Derivative of Vesamicol for Neuroimaging of the Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter. Nucl Med Biol (submitted)
- Richter WS, Fischer S, Ernst N, Munz DL (2001): Extraction of long-chain fatty acids in isolated rat heart during acute low-flow ischemia. J Nucl Med 42: 1101-8
- Winzer KJ, Ivancevic V, Fischer S et al. (2001): Endoscopic sentinel node detection with a gamma probe combined with minimally invasive axillary lymph node dissection: a preliminary study. Eur J Surg 167: 19-22
- Wunderlich G, Franke W-G, Doberenz I, Fischer S (1997): Two ways to establish potential At-211 radio-pharmaceuticals. Anticancer- Res 17(3B): 1809- 1813
- Dressler R, Schumann D, Taut St, Fischer S et al. (1997): First Observation of g- Ray Emission Assigned to the Decay of 164W. Radiochimica Acta 77: 241- 244
- Weinreich R, Larsson B, Casteleyn K, Weckermann B, Fischer S, Knust EJ, Bechthold V, Kumpulainen J, Goldin LL (1993): Establishment of an european astatine collaboration: Potentialites and Prospects. Hadrontherapy in Oncology 1: 681- 686
- Süss R, Bruchertseifer H, Heller W, Kupsch H, Schulze D, Fischer S, Dreyer R (1992): Abtrennung von 87mSr aus einem 87Y/87mSr- Radionuklidgenerator. In: Lehrbuch: Praktikum der Radioaktivität und Radiochemie.(edit.: Herforth L, Koch H.) Leipzig, Berlin, Heidelberg: J. Ambrosius Barth 1992, 347- 351
- Ludwig R, Fischer S, Dreyer R et al. (1991): About Complex Formation Equilibria between At(I) and Sulfuric-Containing Podands. Polyhedron 10: 11- 17
- Doberenz I, Wunderlich G, Doberenz W, Kessler L, Franke W-G, Heidelbach J, Fischer S, Dreyer R (1990): Endoarterielle Therapie eines Zungenkarzinoms mit At-211 markierten Humanserumalbumin Mikrosphären- Erste klinische Erfahrungen. NuC Compact 21: 124- 127
- Krüger Ch, Gorski B, Fischer S, Novgorodov AF (1990): A rapid separation method for radios-
candium from proton-irradiated transition metals. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Letters 14: 17- 21 - Müller F, Losse R, Wunderlich G, Hacker E, Fischer S (1989): Szintigraphische Verfolgung der retardiernden Wirkung von Agarinsulineinbettungen in Suppositorien. Pharmazie 44: 268- 272
- Wunderlich G, Fischer S, Dreyer R, Doberenz W, Doberenz I (1989): Processing and in vivo behaviour of At-211 labelled colloids and albumin particles of different size. Radiochimica Acta 47: 153- 155
- Wunderlich G, Fischer S, Franke W-G, Dreyer R (1987): A Simple method for labelling proteins with At-211 viva diazotized aromatic diamine. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Letters 117: 197- 203
- Doberenz I, Dobernz W, Wunderlich G, Kessler L, Franke W-G, Fischer S, Dreyer R (1989): Animal studies endo-arterial embolizng tumortherapy of tongue and laryx using biocompatible At-211 microspheres. Revue laryn rhinol 109 (Suppl.): 103- 113
- Ludwig R, Dreyer R, Fischer S (1989): First Investigation of Complex Formation of At(I) with Phosphorous Compounds. Radiochimica Acta 47: 129- 130
- Ludwig R, Fischer S, Hussein H et al.(1989): Stability Constants of At(I) Complexes with Thiourea, Iodide and mixed Ligand in Ethanol and Water. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Articles 134: 141- 149
- Ludwig R, Fischer S (1988): Zur Komplexbildung von At(I) mit Halogenidionen in alkoholischer Lösungen. Isotopenpraxis 26: 27- 29
- Doberenz I, Doberenz W, Wunderlich G, Franke W-G, Fischer S et al.(1988): Tierversuche am Schwein mit At-211 im Hinblick auf die Einführung zur intraarteriellen Therapie. NuC Compact 19: 105- 108
- Doberenz W, Fischer S, Pliquett H et al.(1988): Elektromigrationsuntersuchungen zur Hydrolyse und Komplex-bildund mit Citrat von Europium- und Strontium- Ionen als Modell zur Charakterisierung und Trennung von Md(III) und Md(II). Isotopenpraxis 24: 379- 382
- Fischer S, Dreyer R, Hussein H et al. (1987): Synthesis and first characterization of cationic At(I) comounds with selenium-containing neutral ligands. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Letters 119: 181- 191
- Fischer S, Dreyer R, Albrecht S (1987): Pseudohalogen Compound of Astatine: Synthesis and Characterization of At(I)- Tricyanomethanide and At(I)-Azide- Compounds. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Letters 117: 275- 287
- Dreyer R, Dreyer I, Doberenz W, Fischer S et al. (1986): Zur anorganischen Chemie des monovalenten Astats. (Review) Isotopenpraxis 22: 81- 87
- Wunderlich G, Fischer S, Iwe B, Franke W-G, Dreyer (1986): Studies on the in vivo stability of At-211 labelled albumin particles in mice. In: Nuclear medicine in clinical oncology. (edit.: Winkler C) Berlin: Springer- Verlag 1986, p. 413- 415
- Franke W-G, Wunderlich G, Dreyer R, Fischer S (1986):At-211: A powerfull alpha emitter for potential appplication in metabolic and contact therapy. In: Radionuclides for Therapy. (edit.: Schubiger PA, Hasler PH), Basel: Editione Roche, p. 111- 124
- Dreyer R, Dreyer I, Fischer S et al. (1985): Synthesis and characterization of cationic astatine compounds with sulphur containing ligand stable in aqueous solutions. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Letters 96: 333- 342
- Dreyer R, Dreyer I, Rösch F, Fischer S (1983): Synthese und erste Charakterisierung von in wäßrigen Lösungen stabilen Verbindungen des At(0) mit Thioharnstoff und Thioharnstoffderivaten. Z Chem 23: 346- 347
Work Experience
- Cyclotron chemistry:
Targetry (experience and design), gas-jet, nuclide production (on PET- and other cyclotrons, synchrotrons), separation methods for “high level activities”, thermochromatography - PET- Radiochemistry and –pharmacy:
Research, development and applications of novel radioligands, labelling methods for 18F and 11C- radiotracers, automation and module design, development of QM, QC an biological tests for radiopharmaceuticals, in- vitro and in- vivo evaluation of novel radiotracers (pharmacological parameters, tracer stability, metabolites, tissue distribution, support by animal and patient studies) - Pharmaceutical production of PET- tracers:
Experiences of manufacture of 2-[18F] FDG, O-(2-[18F]Fluorethyl)-Tyrosin, N-([18F]Fluorethyl)-Cholin, H2[15O]O, [13N]NH4+, [Methyl-11C] Methionin, [11C]CH3I for labelling of peptides, executive inspector and producer for PET- radiopharmaceuticals - Radioanalytic methods:
γ- and α- spectroscopy, LSCA, track- techniques - Analytical methods:
Radio-GC, Radio-HPLC (normal, reversed, chiral and ion exchange phases), coupled methods (GC- MS, HPLC- MS), electrophoresis for peptides, RIA and LAL
Previous topics
- Labelling and quality control of radiotracer for modern nuclear medical diagnostic and therapy:
99mTc-, 68Ga-, 111In- ,125,131I- labelled peptides and mononuclear antibodies (MAB), 90Y- and 177Lu- peptides and MAKs for tumor therapy - Radiochemistry of exotic isotopes:
211At, neutron-deficient REE- nuclides, heavy elements
Curriculum Vitae
Institution | Period |
Institute of Interdisciplinary Isotope Research at the University of Leipzig, Department of Radiopharmacy, Scientific assistant, PET- radiochemist. | 2005 - present |
Central Hospital Bad Berka GmbH, Department of nuclear medicine/ PET- Centre, Staff member, PET- radiochemist, executive inspector for PET- radiopharmaceuticals, expert of medical physics (nuclear medical therapy), visiting lecturer (TH Ilmenau). | 2000- 2004 |
Clinical Centre Charité Berlin, Department of nuclear medicine/ PET- Centre, Scientific assistant, PET- radiochemist, assistant executive producer for PET- radiopharma-ceuticals, visiting lecturer. | 1995- 2000 |
TU Dresden, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Research group Radiochemistry, Assistant professor, assistant lecturer, leaderships: Project: 211At- Radiopharmacy/ chemical aspects (1985- 1989), BMFT-Project Tz 02WT 0155556/0 (1991- 1992) and Fz 06 DD 121 D (1992- 1994). | 1986- 1995 |
TU Dresden, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Department Radiochemistry, Scientific assistant, nuclear- and radiochemist. | 1985- 1986 |
Technical University Dresden, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Section Chemistry, Research fellow, student (1983 diploma, 1985 thesis). | 1982- 1985 |
Research visits:
Johns Hopkins University, PET- Centre (Dannals, 1998)*, MH- Hannover, Department of Nuclearmedicine, PET- Centre (Meyer, 1997)*, University Hospital Hamburg/Eppendorf, Department of Radiology, Radiophar-macy on DESY (Nebeling, 1997)*, Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory of Radiochemistry and Enviromental Chemistry (Gäggler, 1990-1994)**, GSI Darmstadt, Abteilung Kernphysik II (Schädel, 1990- 1994)**, FZ Karlsruhe, Institut für Kerntechnik (1989- 1993)**, FZK, FTU (Keller, 1990-1992), FZ Geesthacht, FB Struktur der Materie, Department FG-1 (190- 1993)**, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (Flerov, Oganessian, 1989- 1994)**, Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (Chalkin 1984- 1991), Medical University „G. Carus“ Dresden, Department of Nuclear medicine (Franke, Wunderlich, 1984- 1992)***
* Working and training for radiochemistry and - pharmacy (3 months)
** Cyclotron or reactor experiments (1- 5 months per year)
*** Support for animals studies (2- 3 months per year)