Dr. habil. Holger Lippold - Reactive Transport Department
Research Interest - Projects - Teaching
Publications - Stations
Research Interest
Radiotracer studies of mechanisms determining contaminant transport in geochemical systems
Habilitation for Radioanalytical Chemistry (Leipzig University, 2023)
PhD Thesis on Physical Chemistry of Surfactants (Leipzig University, 1999)
- Research Training Group "Hydrogen Isotopes 1,2,3H" (Leipzig University): analytics of elemental tritium in gaseous isotope mixtures within research projects for the development of novel separation strategies (membranes, zeolites, metal-organic frameworks)
- Geochemical retention of radionuclides at cement phases and bentonite buffers – influence of polymeric cement additives: radiotracer studies on complexation and (co-)adsorption of radionuclides with polycarboxylate ethers (superplasticisers) at hyperalkaline conditions and high salinity; modelling the effects of pH and electrolyte content on the basis of interactions in the constituent subsystems (BMWi project)
- Transport behaviour of the herbicide MCPA in soil: modelling the effect of pH; identification of heterogeneous flow as a cause of discrepancies between static and dynamic systems (DFG project, participation) [Article]
- Reactive transport of lanthanides with low-molecular-weight organic ligands from the inventory of a nuclear waste repository: radiotracer studies and modelling of adsorption and transport of Eu(III) with DTPA as a function of pH (BMBF project) [Article]
- Geochemical behaviour and transport of radionuclides in saline systems with organic matter relevant to a final repository site: influence of high salinity (NaCl, MgCl2, CaCl2) on the mobilising potential of humic-like clay organics towards radionuclides; modelling metal-fulvate complexation by the NICA-Donnan approach; isotope exchange studies on the dynamics of metal-humate complexation equilibria depending on concentration and time of contact (BMWi project) [Article 1] [Article 2]
- Elementary processes relevant to humic-bound actinide transport in potential host rock formations of a final repository: effect of humic substances and carboxylic acids on the pH-dependent adsorption of radionuclides onto clay minerals; radiotracer studies on reversibility and equilibrium dynamics of adsorption of humic substances (BMWi project) [Article 1] [Article 2]
- Humic-bound transport of toxic metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) at a contaminated site in Staßfurt (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany): sampling and analytics along the groundwater flow path; humic-bound solubilisation and adsorption of PAH depending on pH and ionic strength; characteristics and solubilising potential of mixed aggregates of humic substances and surfactants (BMBF project) [Article 1] [Article 2]
- Formation and partitioning of humate species of mobilised radiotoxic metals in geochemical systems: competition effects of Al(III) and Fe(III) on humate complexation of radionuclides; elucidation of long-term kinetic processes (BMWA project) [Article 1] [Article 2]
- Competitive reactions of trivalent metals with respect to complexation and co-adsorption of radionuclides with humic acids: combined Kd model of metal mobility in geochemical systems with humic matter; influence of pH and competing metals; relating complex stability and flocculation (BMWi project) [Article 1] [Article 2]
- Interaction of phenol with dissolved and adsorbed surfactant aggregates: qualitative and quantitative characterisation of mixed aggregates and phase behaviour; modelling surfactant adsorption (PhD thesis, Leipzig University) [Article 1] [Article 2]
(Leipzig University)
- Lectures on basics and applications of radioactivity for BSc students of biochemistry and MSc students of chemistry
- Lectures on radioanalytics, environmental radioactivity and basics of radiotoxicology within the post-graduate courses "Toxicology and Environmental Protection" (Faculty of Medicine) and "Analytics and Spectroscopy" (Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy)
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
open access to manuscripts via ResearchGate
- Liu, J., Wang, L., Lin, J., Yuan, W., Li, L., Peng, Y.-K., Xiong, X., Cao, H., Wei, X., Ouyang, Q., Lippold, H., Wang, J., Lin, K.; Applying thallium isotopic compositions as novel and sensitive proxy for Tl(I)/Tl(III) transformation and source apportionment. Science of The Total Environment 913 (2024) 169542
- Becker, A., Lippold, H., Bäcker, J.P., Belder, D., Fischer, C.; An LSC approach for tritium determination in gaseous mixtures optimized with respect to handling, reaction parameters and miniaturization towards microfluidic analysis. Radiochimica Acta 112 (2024) 231-237
- Gilson, S.E, Svitlyk, V., Bukaemskiy, A.A., Niessen, J., Lender, T., Murphy, G.L., Henkes, M., Lippold, H., Marquardt, J., Akhmadaliev, S., Hennig, C., Winkler, B., Tonnessen, T., Peters, L., Fischer, C., Huittinen, N.; Microstructural investigation of Au ion-irradiated Eu-doped LaPO4 ceramics and single crystals. npj Materials Degradation 8 (2024) 83
- Zhou, Y., He, H., Wang, J., Liu, J., Lippold, H., Bao, Z., Wang, L., Lin, Y., Fang, F., Huang, Y., Jiang, Y., Xiao, T., Yuan, W., Wei, X., Tsang, D.C.W.; Stable isotope fractionation of thallium as novel evidence for its geochemical transfer during lead‑zinc smelting activities. Science of The Total Environment 803 (2022) 150036
Sonnendecker, C., Oeser, J., Richter, P.K., Hille, P., Zhao, Z., Fischer, C., Lippold, H., Blázquez-Sánchez, P., Engelberger, F., Ramírez-Sarmiento, C.A., Oeser, T., Lihanova, Y., Frank, R., Jahnke, H.-G., Billig, S., Abel, B., Sträter, N., Matysik, J., Zimmermann, W.; Low carbon footprint recycling of post-consumer PET plastic with a metagenomic polyester hydrolase. ChemSusChem 15 (2022) e202101062
- Lippold, H., Kahle, L., Sonnendecker, C., Matysik, J., Fischer, C.; Temporal and spatial evolution of enzymatic degradation of amorphous PET plastics. npj Materials Degradation 6 (2022) 93
- Lippold, H., Zedek, L.; Metal dissociation from humic colloids: Kinetics with time-dependent rate constants. Chemosphere 275 (2021) 130045
- Liu, J., Zhou, Y., She, J., Tsang, D.C.W., Lippold, H., Wang, J., Jiang, Y., Wei, X., Yuan, W., Luo, X., Zhai, S., Song, L.; Quantitative isotopic fingerprinting of thallium associated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in fluvial sediment cores with multiple anthropogenic sources. Environmental Pollution 266 (2020) 115252
- Karimzadeh, L., Lippold, H., Stockmann, M., Fischer, C.; Effect of DTPA on europium sorption onto quartz – batch sorption experiments and surface complexation modeling. Chemosphere 239 (2020) 124771
- Liu, J., Wei, X., Zhou, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Bao, Z., Yin, M., Lippold, H., Yuan, W., Wang, J., Feng, Y., Chen, D.; Thallium contamination, health risk assessment and source apportionment in common vegetables. Science of The Total Environment 703 (2020) 135547
- Liu, J., Yin, M., Luo, X., Xiao, T., Wu, Z., Li, N., Wang, J., Zhang, W., Lippold, H., Belshaw, N.S., Feng, Y., Chen, Y.; The mobility of thallium in sediments and source apportionment by lead isotopes. Chemosphere 219 (2019) 864-874
- Liu, J., Luo, X., Sun, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Qi, J., Zhang, W., Li, N., Yin, M., Wang, J., Lippold, H., Chen, Y., Sheng, G.; Thallium pollution in China and removal technologies for waters: A review. Environment International 126 (2019) 771-790
- Liu, J., Ren, S., Zhou, Y., Tsang, D.C.W., Lippold, H., Wang, J., Yin, M., Xiao, T., Luo, X., Chen, Y.; High contamination risks of thallium and associated metal(loid)s in fluvial sediments from a steel-making area and implications for environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management 250 (2019) 109513
Liu, J., Luo, X., Wang, J., Xiao, T., Yin, M., Belshaw, N.S., Lippold, H., Kong, L., Xiao, E., Bao, Z., Li, N., Chen, Y., Linghu, W.; Provenance of uranium in a sediment core from a natural reservoir, South China: Application of Pb stable isotope analysis. Chemosphere 193 (2018) 1172-1180
Liu, J., Wang, J., Xiao, T., Bao, Z., Lippold, H., Luo, X., Yin, M., Ren, J., Chen, Y., Linghu, W.; Geochemical dispersal of thallium and accompanying metals in sediment profiles from a smelter-impacted area in South China. Applied Geochemistry 88 (2018) 239-246
Barthen, R., Karimzadeh, L., Gründig, M., Grenzer, J., Lippold, H., Franke, K., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Neutrophilic bioleaching of synthetic covellite – a model system combining experimental data and geochemical modelling. Chemosphere 196 (2018) 368-376
Zedek, L., Lippold, H., Šembera, J.; Computer simulation of the ternary problem – technical aspects and possibilities. IFAC PapersOnLine 51 (2018) 589-594
Lippold, H., Karimzadeh, L., Kulenkampff, J., Wissmeier, L., Stuhlfauth, C., Stoll, M., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Effect of pH on the mobility of the herbicide MCPA in a sand-goethite column: 1D and 2D reactive transport modeling. Applied Geochemistry 98 (2018) 345-350
- Lippold, H., Eidner, S., Kumke, M.U., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Dynamics of metal-humate complexation equilibria as revealed by isotope exchange studies – a matter of concentration and time. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 197 (2017) 62-70
- Liu, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Lippold, H., Xiao, T., Li, H., Shen, C.-C., Xie, L., Xie, X., Yang, H.; Geochemical transfer and preliminary health risk assessment of thallium in a riverine system in the Pearl River Basin, South China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 176 (2017) 64-75
- Karimzadeh, L., Lippmann-Pipke, J., Franke, K., Lippold, H.; Mobility and transport of copper(II) influenced by the microbial siderophore DFOB: Column experiment and modelling. Chemosphere 173 (2017) 326-329
Liu, J., Luo, X., Wang, J., Xiao, T., Chen, D., Sheng, G., Yin, M., Lippold, H., Wang, C., Chen, Y.; Thallium contamination in arable soils and vegetables around a steel plant – A newly-found significant source of Tl pollution in South China. Environmental Pollution 224 (2017) 445-453
Liu, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Shen, C.-C., Jiang, X., Xie, X., Chen, D., Lippold, H., Wang, C.; Thallium dispersal and contamination in surface sediments from South China and its source identification. Environmental Pollution 213 (2016) 878-887
- Poetsch, M., Lippold, H.; Effects of ionic strength and fulvic acid on adsorption of Tb(III) and Eu(III) onto clay. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 192 (2016) 146-151
- Liu, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Xie, X., Qi, J., Lippold, H., Luo, D., Wang, C., Su, L., He, L., Wu, Q.; Thallium transformation and partitioning during Pb-Zn smelting and environmental implications. Environmental Pollution 212 (2016) 77-89
- Lippold, H., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; New insights into the dynamics of adsorption equilibria of humic matter as revealed by radiotracer studies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 133 (2014) 362-371
- Lippold, H., Eidner, S., Kumke, M.U., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Diffusion, degradation or on-site stabilisation – identifying causes of kinetic processes involved in metal-humate complexation. Applied Geochemistry 27 (2012) 250-256
- Liu, J., Lippold, H., Wang, J., Lippmann-Pipke, J., Chen, Y.; Sorption of thallium(I) onto geological materials: Influence of pH and organic matter. Chemosphere 82 (2011) 866-871
- Liu, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Lippold, H., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Comparative characterization of two natural humic acids in the Pearl River Basin, China, and their environmental implications. Journal of Environmental Sciences 22 (2010) 1695-1702
- Liu, J., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Qi, J., Lippold, H., Wang, C.; Thallium distribution in sediments from the Pearl River Basin, China. Clean - Soil, Air, Water 38 (2010) 909-915
- Liu, J., Chen, Y., Wang, J., Qi, J., Wang, C., Lippold, H., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Factor analysis and sequential extraction unveil geochemical processes relevant for trace metal distributions in fluvial sediments of a pyrite mining area, China. Carbonates and Evaporites 25 (2010) 51-63
- Lippold, H., Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Effect of humic matter on metal adsorption onto clay materials: Testing the linear additive model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 109 (2009) 40-48
- Lippold, H., Gottschalch, U., Kupsch, H.; Joint influence of surfactants and humic matter on PAH solubility. Are mixed micelles formed? Chemosphere 70 (2008) 1979-1986
- Gottschalch, U., Birke, M., Stärk, H.-J., Kupsch, H., Lippold, H.; Characterization of urban NOM in a municipal area with disused toxic waste sites. Applied Geochemistry 22 (2007) 2435-2455
- Lippold, H., Evans, N.D.M., Warwick, P., Kupsch, H.; Competitive effect of iron(III) on metal complexation by humic substances: Characterisation of ageing processes. Chemosphere 67 (2007) 1050-1056
- Neumann, G., Cornelissen, S., van Breukelen, F., Hunger, S., Lippold, H., Loffhagen, N., Wick, L.Y., Heipieper, H.J.; Energetics and surface properties of Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E in a two-phase fermentation system with 1-decanol as second phase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (2006) 4232-4238
- Lippold, H., Müller, N., Kupsch, H.; Effect of humic acid on the pH-dependent adsorption of terbium(III) onto geological materials. Applied Geochemistry 20 (2005) 1209-1217
- Lippold, H., Mansel, A., Kupsch, H.; Influence of trivalent electrolytes on the humic colloid-borne transport of contaminant metals: Competition and flocculation effects. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 76 (2005) 337-352
- Neumann, G., Kabelitz, N., Zehnsdorf, A., Miltner, A., Lippold, H., Meyer, D., Schmid, A., Heipieper, H.J.; Prediction of the adaptability of Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E to a second phase of a solvent for economically sound two-phase biotransformations. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (2005) 6606-6612
- Lippold, H., Quitzsch, K.; Simultaneous surfactant aggregation in aqueous solution and at the solid-liquid interface. Coadsorption of decanoyl-N-methylglucamide and phenol on silica gel. Colloids and Surfaces A 172 (2000) 1-6
- Lippold, H., Findeisen, M., Quitzsch, K., Helmstedt, M.; Micellar incorporation without solubilizing effect. A study on the system water - phenol - decanoyl-N-methylglucamide. Colloids and Surfaces A 135 (1998) 235-244
Institution | Period |
Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), |
2010 - present |
Loughborough University (UK), Department of Chemistry, Centre for Radiochemistry (Prof. P. Warwick) |
2004 - 2005 |
Institute of Interdisciplinary Isotope Research Leipzig |
2000 - 2009 |
Leipzig University, Wilhelm Ostwald Institute of |
1995 - 1999 |
Leipzig University, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy |
1990 - 1995 |