Publications Institute for Radiation Physics, Department for Nuclear Physics, 2011
Nuclear Physics
E.G. Adelberger, A.B. Balantekin, D. Bemmerer, C.A. Bertulani, J.-W. Chen, H. Costantini, M. Couder, R. Cyburt, B. Davids, S.J. Freedman, M. Gai, A. Garcia, D. Gazit, L. Gialanella, U. Greife, M. Hass, K. Heeger, W.C. Haxton, G. Imbriani, T. Itahashi, A.R. Junghans, K. Kubodera, K. Langanke, D. Leitner, M. Leitner, L.E. Marcucci, T. Motobayashi, A. Mukhamedzhanov, K.M. Nollett, F.M. Nunes, T.-S. Park, P.D. Parker, P. Prati, M.J. Ramsey-Musolf, R.G. Hamish Robertson, R. Schiavilla, E.C. Simpson, K.A. Snover, C. Spitaleri, F. Strieder, K. Suemmerer, H.-P. Trautvetter, R.E. Tribble, S. Typel, E. Uberseder, P. Vetter, M. Wiescher, L. Winslow
Solar fusion cross sections II: the pp chain and CNO cycles
Reviews of Modern Physics 83(2011)195
I. Bentley, S. Brant, F. Dönau, S. Frauendorf, B. Kämpfer, R. Schwengner, S.Q. Zhang, S. Q.
Instantaneous shape sampling: A model for the gamma-absorption cross section of transitional nuclei
Phys. Rev. C 83(2011)014317
R. Beyer, E. Birgersson, A.R. Junghans, R. Massarczyk, G. Schramm, R. Schwengner, E. Grosse
Electromagnetic strength in heavy nuclei – experiments and a global fit
International Journal of Modern Physics E 20(2011), 431-442
J. Walker, A. Jungclaus, J. Leske, K.-H. Speidel, A. Ekström, P. Boutachkov, J. Cederkäll, P. Doornenbal, J. Gerl, R. Gernhäuser, N. Goel, M. Gorska, I. Kojouharov, P. Maier-Komor, V. Modamio, F. Naqvi, N. Pietralla, S. Pietri, W. Prokopowicz, H. Schaffner, R. Schwengner, H.-J. Wollersheim, H.-J.
Magnetic moments of the first excited 2+ states in the semi-magic A=112,114,116,122,124 Sn isotopes
Phys. Rev. C 84(2011)014319
M. Marta, A. Formicola, D. Bemmerer, C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, P. Corvisiero, H. Costantini, Z. Elekes, Zs. Fulop, G. Gervino, A. Guglielmetti, C. Gustavino, Gy. Gyurky, G. Imbriani, M. Junker, A. Lemut, B. Limata, C. Mazzocchi, R. Menegazzo, P. Prati, V. Roca, C. Rolfs, C. Rossi Alvarez, A. Somorjai, O. Straniero, F. Strieder, F. Terrasi, H.P. Trautvetter, A. Vomiero
The 14N(p,gamma)15O reaction studied with a composite germanium detector
Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 045804
D.Yakorev, D.Bemmerer, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, M.Ciobanu, T. Cowan, Z. Elekes, M. Elvers, R.Hannaske, J.Hehner, M.Heil, M.Kempe, V.Maroussov, O.Nusair, M. Sobiella, D. Stach, A.Wagner, for the R3B collaboration
Prototyping and tests for an MRPC-based time-of-flight detector for 1GeV neutrons
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 654 (2011) 79
A. Jungclaus, J. Walker, J. Leske, K.-H. Speidel, A.E. Stuchbery, M. East, P. Boutachkov, J. Cederkäll, P. Doornenbal, J.L. Egido, A. Ekström, J. Gerl, R. Gernhäuser, N. Goel, M. Gorska, I. Kojouharov, P. Maier-Komor, V. Modamio, F. Naqvi, N. Pietralla, S. Pietri, W. Prokopowicz, H. Schaffner, R. Schwengner, H.-J. Wollersheim
Evidence for reduced collectivity around mid-shell in semimagic Sn isotopes from new lifetime measurements
Physics Letters B 695 (2011) 110
Materials Research
M. Butterling, W. Anwand; T. E. Cowan, A. Hartmann, M. Jungmann, R. Krause-Rehberg, A. Krille, A. Wagner
Gamma-Induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS) at a superconducting electron linear accelerator
Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 269 (2011) 2623
L. Li, S. Prucnal, S.D. Yao, K. Potzger, W. Anwand, A. Wagner
Rise and fall of defect induced ferromagnetism in SiC single crystals
Applied Physics Letters 98 (2011) 222508
M. Khalid, P. Esquinazi, D. Spemann, W. Anwand, G. Brauer
Hydrogen mediated ferromagnetism in ZnO single crystals
New Journal of Physics 13 (2011) 063017
W. Anwand, A. Kanjilal, G. Brauer, A. Wagner, M. Butterling, T.E. Cowan, L. Rebohle, W. Skorupa
Structural Characterisation of Er Implanted, Ge-rich SiO2 Layers Using Slow Positron Implantation Spectroscopy
Materials Science Forum, Vol. 666 (2011) 41-45
J.C Fan, C.Y. Zhu, B. Yang, S. Fung, C.D. Beling, G. Brauer, W. Anwand, D. Grambole, W. Skorupa, K.S. Wong, Y.C. Zhong, Z. Xie, C.C. Ling
Comprehensive study of the p-type conductivity formation in radio frequency magnetron sputtered arsenic-doped ZnO film
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 29 (2011) 03A103
M. Elsayed, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Moutanabbir, W. Anwand, S. Richter, C. Hagendorf
Cu diffusion-induced vacancy-like defects in freestanding GaN
New Journal of Physics 13(2011), 013029
M. Butterling, M. Jungmann, V. Bondarenko, S. Sachert, S.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Krause-Rehberg, R.
Monte-Carlo simulations for timing-system of EPOS at ELBE in Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 265(2011) 012027
O. Melikhova, J. Čížek, J. Kuriplach, I. Procházka, F. Lukáč, M. Cieslar, W. Anwand, G. Brauer
Quenched-in vacancies in Fe3Al based alloys: a positron annihilation study
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 265(2011) 012016
A. Krille, W. Anwand, R. Krause-Rehberg
Digital positron lifetime: the influence of noise
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 265(2011) 012026
W. Anwand, G. Brauer, R.I. Grynszpan, T.E. Cowan, D. Schulz, D. Klimm, J. Čížek, J. Kuriplach, I. Procházka, C.C. Ling, A.B. Djurišić, V. Klemm, G. Schreiber, D. Rafaja
Characterization of microstructural defects in melt grown ZnO single crystals
Journal of Applied Physics 109(2011) 063516