Proseminar "Understanding the Universe" WS 2011/12
Proseminar "Understanding the Universe"
WS 2011/12 DI(4) SE2/122
Profs. T. E. Cowan, M. Kobel, A. Straessner, K. Zuber
Drs. D. Bemmerer, M. Bussmann, F. Fiedler, A.R. Junghans, A. Wagner
Contact: A.Junghans{at}
Seminar programm and list of topics as pdf download (including email links)
Date: | Topic: | Tutor: | Speaker: |
11.10.2011 | 0. Introduction Guide to Scientific Presentations | Tom Cowan | |
18.10.2011 | 1. Radioactivity in our everyday life: Dosimetry and uses of radioactivity (medical, nuclear dating) | Fine Fiedler | Martin Dommert |
25.10.2011 | 2. The Story of Matter | Tom Cowan | xxxxxxxxx |
25.10.2011 | 3. Accelerating and detecting particles: Particle accelerators and colliders | Tom Cowan | Martin Serfling |
01.11.2011 | 4. Accelerating and detecting particles: Particle detectors | Andreas Wagner | Tom Giessgen |
08.11.2011 | 5. Understanding nuclei and their decay | Andreas Wagner | Linnart Zähr |
15.11.2011 | 6. Revelations of the neutrino: Weak interactions (beta decay, double beta decay) | Kai Zuber | Sebastian Liebschner |
22.11.2011 | 7. Revelations of the Neutrino: Mass of the neutrino (KATRIN) | Kai Zuber | Christoph Wuttke |
29.11.2011 | 8. The standard model, the Higgs and Beyond | Arno Straessner | Patrick Kneschke |
06.12.2011 | 9. Nuclear Power: The fission mechanism and nuclear energy | Arnd Junghans | Philipp Büttner |
06.12.2011 | 10. Nuclear Power: Transmutation of nuclear waste | Arnd Junghans | Markus Karl |
13.12.2011 | 11. Nuclear Power: Fusion reactions and Fusion energy (NIF, ITER) | Tom Cowan | Martin Rehwald |
20.12.2011 | 12. Origin of the chemical elements: The big bang and primordial nucleosynthesis | Daniel Bemmerer | Sebastian Hutsch |
10.01.2011 | 13.Physics of Stars: Properties of Matter and Radiation | Michael Bussmann | Dominique Wülfing |
10.01.2011 | 14. Origin of the chemical elements: Stellar evolution and explosions | Daniel Bemmerer | Marcel Grieger |
17.01.2012 | 15. Cosmology: The cosmic microwave background | Michael Kobel | Paul-Anton Will |
24.01.2012 | 16. Cosmology: The missing mass problem and Dark matter | Michael Bussmann | Marco Garten |
31.01.2012 | 17. Cosmology: The expansion of the universe and dark energy | Michael Kobel | Johannes Radtke |
- M. Beech
The Large Hadron Collider: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe,
Springer, Heidelberg, 2010 - W. Demtröder
Experimentalphysik 4
Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik 4
Springer, Heidelberg 1998 - J.L. Basdevant, J. Rich, M. Spiro
Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics – From nuclear structure to cosmology
Springer, Heidelberg, 2005
- A.C. Phillips
The Physics of Stars
J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1999
A "Semesterapparat" Z018 has been arranged at SLUB including these books.