3rd EuroMagNET Summer School
Science in High Magnetic Fields, September 30 - October 7, 2012, Rügen, Germany
High Magnetic Fields are an indispensable tool to access the fundamental properties of matter. In the 20th century they enabled significant scientific breakthroughs witnessed by several Nobel prizes, and, undoubtedly, high magnetic fields will continue to play a decisive role in shaping the European research landscape in the future. Within Europe, high field research is bundled in the EuroMagNET II programme, a coordinated approach to access, experimental development and scientific exploitation of all European large infrastructures for high magnetic fields.
The 3rd EuroMagNET Summer School follows the tradition established by the 1st EuroMagNET Summer School 2007 in Corsica and the 2nd Summer School 2010 in Ameland. It will be held from 30 September - 7 October 2012 on the North German island Rügen.
The school is dedicated to recent advances in Science in High Magnetic Fields. Outstanding scientists will give tutorial lectures on different areas such as semiconductor physics, low-dimensional materials and nano-scaled objects, strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism, superconductivity, molecular systems, high-magnetic-field technology and new high-field experimental techniques.
50 participants have been selected among young scientists based on their motivation, curriculum vitae and abstract submission. They will have the possibility to present their own work as an oral contribution. EuroMagNET II will provide substantial financial support for travel and subsistence.
Get the Flyer (pdf document, size: 140 KB).
Important dates
October 2011: 1st announcement and web-page open
February 2012: 2nd announcement with list of subjects and invited speakers
August 31, 2012: Application and abstract submission deadline
August 8, 2012: First notification of acceptance
September, 30 – October 7, 2012: 3rd EuroMagNET Summer School
- Welcome reception is on Sunday, September 30 in the afternoon.
- The scientific program starts on Monday, October 1 in the morning and ends on Saturday, October 6 in the evening.
- Departure after breakfast is on Sunday, October 7.
Download the Schedule (pdf document, size: 35 KB).
Download the Program (pdf document, size: 354 KB).
Photo 1 with the participants.
Photo 2 with the participants.
AQUAMARIS Strandresidenz Rügen
Wittower Straße 4
18556 Seebad Juliusruh
phone: +49 38391 44405
We could attract the following lecturers:
- James Annett - University of Bristol, UK
Unconventional Superconductivity - Eric Beaugnon - Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses Grenoble, France
Magneto-science: high magnetic field effects on materials processing at high temperature - James Brooks - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, USA
The Spinels: a Conspiracy of Charge, Spin, Orbit, and Lattice Parameters - Antony Carrington - University of Bristol, UK
The electronic structure of iron-pnictide superconductors - Francois Debray - Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses Grenoble, France
DC High magnetic field development - Thomas Herrmannsdörfer - Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Germany
Measurement techniques for the characterization of magnetic properties - Bernhard Holzapfel - Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Germany
Superconducting Materials for Power and Magnet Applications - Georg Maret - University of Konstanz, Germany
Soft matter in high and low dc magnetic fields - Frederic Mila - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Investigating quantum magnets in high magnetic field - Christoph Brüne - Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg, Germany
Dirac Fermions in HgTe - Oliver Portugall - Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses Toulouse, France
Beyond 100 Tesla: The technology and scientific application of Megagauss Fields - Karel Prokes, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
High magnetic fields in neutron science - Christoph Strunk, University of Regensburg, Germany
Thermodynamics and the Quantum Transport of Particles and Heat - Matthias Vojta - TU Dresden, Germany
Spin liquids, non-Fermi liquids, and the cuprate pseudogap - Uli Zeitler - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Quantum transport in oxide heterostructures - Gertrud Zwicknagl - TU Braunscheig, Germany
Superconductivity in High Magnetic Fields