(THz based) advanced electron bunch diagnostic
Figure: (a) Electro-optic measurement of a THz pulse from the TELBE undulator utilizing the developed high-reprate pulse-resolved detection scheme which allows to correct for arrivaltime jitter and intensity fluctuations at repetition rates of presently up to 100 kHz [1] A demonstrator device for the European XFEL is under construction . This detection scheme opens up characterize the superradiant THz sources at TELBE, (b) undulator and (c) diffraction radiator, with a time resolution of better than 13 fs (rms) and a dynamic range of up to 1000000.
The main focus of the actual research activities at the HZDR within the program topic accelerator-research and development: subtopic 3 ps - fs photon and electron beams (ARD - ST3) is in the development of versatile (THz-based) diagnostic for electron bunches and superradiant THz sources. To this end (T)ELBE serves within ARD-ST3 as a testfacilitiy for diagnostics on quasi-cw electron and photon beams. Two Examples for recent breakthroughs are the first demonstration of pulse-resolved arrivaltime monitoring at high repetition rate [1], as well as the development of an integrated THz spectrometer chip for advanced bunch compression monitoring [3,4]. Other activities within ARD-ST3 are the characterization and development of compact superradiant THz sources [2,5,6,7]. (T)ELBE also serves as a test field for the implementation of existing diagnostics such as Bunch-Arrival-Time (BAM) Monitors of the XFEL type at high-current quasi-cw accelerators [8] or electro-optic sampling based bunch duration monitors [9]. This research is performed in close collaboration with colleagues from DESY, KIT and SLAC and also extends to the development of diagnostics suitable for 4th Generation X-ray lightsources such as FLASH [10,11], the European XFEL or LCLS.
The research activities are funded through the HGF (program topic ARD), the BMBF (projects INSeL and SAMoS) as well as the European Union (EUCALL).
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[10] F. Tavella, N. Stojanovic, G. Geloni & M. Gensch, Few Femtosecond Timing at Fourth Generation X-ray Lightsources, Nat. Photon. 5 (2011), 162.
[11] R. Riedel et al., "Single-shot pulse duration monitor for extreme ultraviolet and X-ray free-electron lasers", Nature Comm. 4 (2013), 1731.