Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields at the European XFEL
The Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields at the European XFEL is a project driven by DESY, Helmholtz-Institute Jena and HZDR to establish multi-purpose high-power and ultra-intense lasers as well as high-field magnets at the HED endstation of the European XFEL. It will constitute a world-wide unique combination of ultra-high power lasers and high-field magnets with a high-brilliance X-ray source. It will extend the scope of research that can be carried out at the European XFEL beyond the baseline instruments, especially in the following science fields:
strong-field physics
high energy density science
relativistic laser-plasma physics
high-pressure astro- and planetary-physics
dynamic materials research
magnetic phenomena in condensed matter
A User-Consortium was established in 2012 to gather interested research groups and to coordinate their interests and contributions.
The User-Consortium consists of over 80 groups from more than 60 institutes from 16 nations. It comprises more than 350 scientists and more than 300 PhD students.
The following people have agreed to coordinate distinct aspects within the User-Consortium (as at September 2015):
- X-ray instrumentation – A. Schropp (DESY)
- Short pulse laser - U. Schramm, T. Toncian (HZDR)
- Long pulse laser - T. Butcher (CLF)
- Pulsed magnetic fields - T. Herrmannsdörfer (HZDR)
- Diamond anvil cells - H. P. Liermann (DESY)
- Control systems – J. Dreyer (HZDR)
In the Documents section you may find further information, such as which groups are members of the User-Consortium or which groups intend to contribute at a certain topic.
HIBEF organization structure (as of 2016)
- Workshop: High Intensity Laser Matter Science at The HED Instrument at The European XFEL, 5-6 April 2017, Hamburg
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2017, Hamburg: Status of the HED science instrument & Meeting of the HIBEF user consortium
- Workshop: Dynamic Laser Compression Experiments at the HED Instrument at European XFEL, September 2016, Hamburg
- Workshop: Building a Target Network for Advanced Laser, August 2016, Dresden
- 1st Asia-Pacific HIBEF User Meeting June 2016 Shanghai
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2016, Hamburg: Status and Science at HED instrument and of the HIBEF UC
- HIBEF User Meeting and General Assembly, January 2015, Hamburg
- European XFEL HED Instrument User Workshop, January 2014, Hamburg
- Kick-off meeting for the HIBEF User Consortium, 2-5 June 2013, Hamburg