Dr. Peter Zahn
Publikationen - Publications
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Lokamani, M.; Kilibarda, F.; Günther, F.; Kelling, J.; Strobel, A.; Zahn, P.; Juckeland, G.; Gothlef, K.; Sheer, E.; Gemming, S.; Erbe, A.,
Stretch Evolution of Electronic Coupling of the Thiophenyl Anchoring Group with Gold in Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 5709-5717 (2023),
Echresh, Ahmad; Arora, Himani; Fuchs, Florian; Li, Zichao; Hübner, Rene; Prucnal, Slawomir; Schuster, Jörg; Zahn, Peter; Helm, Manfred; Zhou, Shengqiang; Erbe, Artur; Rebohle, Lars; and Georgiev, Yordan M.,
Electrical Characterization of Germanium Nanowires Using a Symmetric Hall Bar Configuration: Size and Shape Dependence,
Nanomaterials 11, 2917 (2021),
Eichler-Volf, Anna; Alsaadawi, Yara; Luna, Fernando Vazquez; Khan, Qaiser Ali; Stierle, Simon; Xu, Chi; Heigl, Michael; Fekri, Zahra; Zhou, Shengqiang; Zahn, Peter; Albrecht, Manfred; Steinhart, Martin; and Erbe, Artur
Sensitivity of PS/CoPd Janus particles to an external magnetic field,
RSC Advances 11, 17051 (2021),
Lokamani, Jeffrey Kelling, Robin Ohmann, Jörg Meyer, Tim Kühne, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Jannic Wolf, Guido Juckeland, Thomas Huhn, Peter Zahn, Francesca Moresco, and Sibylle Gemming,
Describing chain‑like assembly of ethoxygroup‑functionalized organic molecules on Au(111) using high‑throughput simulations,
Scientific Reports 11, 14949 (2021),
Data publication
Lokamani, Jeffrey Kelling, Robin Ohmann, Jörg Meyer, Tim Kühne, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Jannic Wolf, Thomas Huhn, Peter Zahn, Francesca Moresco, and Sibylle Gemming,
A combined experimental and theoretical study of 1,4-bis(phenylethynyl)-2,5-bis(ethoxy)benzene adsorption on Au(111),
Surface Science 712, 121877 (2021)
Alsaadawi, Yara; Eichler-Volf, Anna; Heigl, Michael; Zahn, Peter; Albrecht, Manfred, and Erbe, Artur
Control over self-assembled Janus clusters by the strength of magnetic field in H2O2,
Eur. Phys. Jour. E 44, 23 (2021),
Blaschke, D.; Munnik, F.; Grenzer, J.; Rebohle, L.; Schmidt, H.; Zahn, P.; and Gemming, S.
A correlation study of layer growth rate, thickness uniformity, stoichiometry, and hydrogen impurity level in HfO2 thin films grown by ALD between 100°C and 350°C,
Appl. Surf. Sci. 506, 144188 (2020),
Zahn, Peter
Universal Limits of Thermopower and Figure of Merit from Transport Energy Statistics,
arXiv 1804.02774 (2018),
Kelling, J.; Zahn, P.; Schuster, J.; and Gemming, S.
Elastic and Piezoresistive Properties of Nickel Carbides from First-Principles,
Phys. Rev. B 95, 024113 (2017),
arXiv 1604.00328 (2016),
Hinsche, N.F.; Rittweger, F.; Hölzer, M.; Zahn, P.; Ernst, A.; Mertig, I.,
Ab initio description of the thermoelectric properties of heterostructures in the diffusive limit of transport,
Phys. Stat. Sol. A 213, 672-683 (2016),
Dankwort, T.; Hansen, A.-L.; Winkler, M.; Schürmann, U.; König, J. D.; Johnson, D. C.; Hinsche, N. F.; Zahn, P.; Mertig, I.; Bensch, W.; Kienle, L.,
Nanostructure, thermoelectric properties, and transport theory of V2VI3 and V2VI4 / IV-VI based superlattices and nanomaterials,
Phys. Stat. Sol. A 213, 662–671 (2016),
Hinsche, Nicki F.; Hölzer, M.; Ernst, A.; Mertig, I.; Zahn, P.,
Ab intio description of thermoelectric properties based on the Boltzmann theory,
in Eibl, Nielsch, Peranio, Völklein (eds.), Thermoelectric Bi2Te3 Nanomaterials, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH (2015), pp. 187-221,
ISBN 978-3-527-33489-6,
Helge Wylezich, Hannes Mähne, Anett Heinrich, Stefan Slesazeck, Jura Rensberg,
Carsten Ronning, Peter Zahn, and Thomas Mikolajick,
Adjusting the Forming Step for Resistive Switching in
Nb2O5 by Ion Irradiation,
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 33, 01A105 (2015),
H. Wylezich, H. Mähne, J. Rensberg, C. Ronning, P. Zahn, S. Slesazeck, and
T. Mikolajick,
Local Ion Irradiation-Induced Resistive Threshold and Memory Switching in Nb2O5/NbOx Films,
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 6, 17474-17480 (2014),
F. Rittweger, N.F. Hinsche, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Signature of the topological surface state in the thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3,
Phys. Rev. B 89, 035439 (2014),
N.F. Hinsche, I. Mertig, and P. Zahn,
Lorenz function of
Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 superlattices,
J. Electronic Materials 42, 1406-1410 (2013),
arXiv:1206.6124 (2012)
D. Blaschke, P. Zahn, I. Skorupa, B. Scheumann, A. Scholz, S. Gemming, and K. Potzger,
Resistive Switching in thermally oxidized Titanium Films,
IEEE Xplore, ISCDG Conference (2013)
N.F. Hinsche, B.Yu. Yavorsky, M. Gradhand, M. Czerner, M. Winkler,
J. König, H. Böttner, I. Mertig, and P. Zahn,
Thermoelectric transport in
Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 superlattices,
Phys. Rev. B 86, 085323 (2012),
arXiv:1206.4078 (2012)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, I. Mertig,
Y. Otani, Y. Niimi, L. Vila, and A. Fert,
Perfect alloys for spin Hall current induced magnetization switching,
SPIN 2, 1250010 (2012)
N.F. Hinsche, I. Mertig, and P. Zahn,
Thermoelectric transport in strained Si and Si/Ge
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 24, 275501 (2012),
arXiv:1205.6313 (2012)
M. Fechner, P. Zahn, S. Ostanin, M. Bibes, and I. Mertig,
Switching magnetization by 180° with an electric field,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 197206 (2012)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, F. Pientka, P. Zahn, I. Mertig, and
B.L. Györfy, |
J. de Boor, D. S. Kim, X. Ao, M. Becker, N.F. Hinsche, I. Mertig,
P. Zahn, and V. Schmidt,
Thermoelectric properties of porous silicon,
Appl. Phys. A 107, 789-794 (2012)
P. Zahn, N.F. Hinsche, B.Y. Yavorsky, and I. Mertig,
Bi2Te3: Implications of the rhombohedral k-space texture on the evaluation of the in-plane/out-of-plane conductivity anisotropy,
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 23, 505504 (2011), arXiv:1108.0023 (2011)
N.F. Hinsche, B.Y. Yavorsky, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Influence of strain on the anisotropic thermoelectric transport
properties of Bi2Te3 and
Phys. Rev. B 84, 165214 (2011),
Phys. Rev. B 85, 089902 (2012) (Publisher's Note),
arXiv:1108.1304 (2011)
B.Y. Yavorsky, N.F. Hinsche, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Electronic structure and transport anisotropy of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 165208 (2011), arXiv:1109.0186 (2011)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, F. Pientka, P. Zahn, I. Mertig, and B.L. Göyrffy,
Calculating the Berry curvature of Bloch electrons using the KKR method,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 075113 (2011)
Clemens Otto, Susann Zahn, Felix Rost, Peter Zahn, Doris Jaros, and Harald Rohm,
Physical Methods for Cleaning and Disinfection of Surfaces,
Food Engin. Rev. 3, 171-188 (2011)
Nicki F. Hinsche, Ingrid Mertig, and Peter Zahn, |
Martyna Polok, Dmitry V. Fedorov, Alexei Bagrets, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig,
Evaluation of conduction eigenchannels of an adatom probed by an STM tip,
Phys. Rev. B 83, 245426 (2011), arXiv:1103.1162 (2011)
P. Bose, P. Zahn, I. Mertig, and J. Henk,
Correlating transmission and local electronic structure in planar junctions: A tool for analyzing transport calculations,
Phys. Rev. B 83, 174451 (2011), arXiv:1012.4936 (2010)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, F. Pientka, P. Zahn, I. Mertig, and B.L. Göyrffy,
First-principles calculations of the Berry curvature of Bloch states and the transport of spin and charge by electrons in solids,
Psi-k: Scientific highlight of the month 104 (Feb 2011)
Samir Lounis, Peter Zahn, Alexander Weismann, Martin Wenderoth, Rainer G. Ulbrich, Ingrid Mertig, Peter H. Dederichs, and Stefan Blügel, |
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Skew scattering mechanism by an ab initio approach: extrinsic spin Hall effect in noble metals,
Solid State Phenomena 168-169, 27 (2011)
N.F. Hinsche, M. Fechner, P. Bose, S. Ostanin, J. Henk, I. Mertig, P. Zahn,
Strong influence of complex band structure on tunneling electroresistance: A combined model and ab initio study,
Phys. Rev. B 82, 214110 (2010), arXiv:1007.3681v1 (2010)
P. Bose, P. Zahn, J. Henk, and I. Mertig,
Spin polarization in photoelectron spectroscopy from antiferromagnets: Cr films on Fe(110) from first principles,
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 182, 97 (2010)
P. Bose, P. Zahn, J. Henk, and I. Mertig,
Tailoring tunnel magnetoresistance by ultrathin Cr and Co interlayers: A first-principles investigation of Fe/MgO/Fe junctions,
Phys. Rev. B 82, 014412 (2010), arXiv:1001.2322 (2010)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Spin Hall angle versus spin diffusion length: Tailored by impurities,
Phys. Rev. B 81, 245109 (2010)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Extrinsic spin Hall effect from first principles,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 186403 (2010)
M. Gradhand, D.V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Fully relativistic treatment of spin-flip scattering caused by impurities,
Phys. Rev. B 81, R020403 (2010)
M. Gradhand, M. Czerner, D. V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, B. Yu. Yavorsky, L. Szunyogh, and I. Mertig, |
Peter Bose, Peter Zahn, Jürgen Henk and Ingrid Mertig,
Tailoring TMR Ratios by Ultrathin Magnetic Interlayers: A First-principles Investigation of Fe/MgO/Fe,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1183, 1183-FF07-02 (2009)
A. Weismann, M. Wenderoth, S. Lounis, P. Zahn, N. Quaas, R.G. Ulbrich, P. Dederichs, and S. Blügel,
Seeing the Fermi-surface in Real Space by Nanoscale Electron Focusing,
Science 323, 1190 (2009)
M. Hortamani, L. Sandratskii, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Physical origin of the incommensurate spin spiral structure in Mn3Si,
J. of Applied Physics 105, 07E506 (2009)
T. Dziekan, V. Meded, S. Shallcross, B. Hjörvarsson, P. Zahn, and S. Mirbt,
Influence of Vanadium spin-polarization on the dissolution of Hydrogen in Vanadium,
Phys. Rev. B 79, 012402 (2009)
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, Bogdan Yu. Yavorsky, and Ingrid Mertig
Thickness dependence of the tunneling current in the coherent limit of transport
Phys. Rev. B 77, 224407 (2008)
T. Dziekan, V. Meded, S. Mirbt, P. Zahn, and S. Shallcross
Anomalies in transition metal conductivity: Strong evidence for Fermi velocity dominance
Phys. Rev. B 77, 155123 (2008)
Martin Gradhand, Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig,
Tunneling magnetoresistance with amorphous electrodes,
Phys. Rev. B 77, 134403 (2008)
D.V. Fedorov, P. Zahn, M. Gradhand, and I. Mertig, |
Peter Zahn, Patrik Thunström, and Tomas Johnson
Complex Band Structures of Spintronics Materials
in Björn Enquist, Per Lötstedt and Olof Runborg (eds.), Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science,
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 66, Springer, Berlin (September 2008)
Christian Heiliger, Martin Gradhand, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig,
Tunneling Magnetoresistance on the sub-nanometer scale
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 066804 (2007)
D.V. Fedorov, G. Fahsold, A. Pucci, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Mobility of conduction electrons in ultrathin Cu and Fe films on Si(111)
Phys. Rev. B 75, 245427 (2007)
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
Influence of interface oxidation on the TMR ratio of Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel junctions
Jour. Mag. Mag. Mat. 316, 478-480 (2007)
T. Dziekan, P. Zahn, V. Meded, and S. Mirbt
Theoretical calculations of mobility enhancement in strained silicon
Phys. Rev. B 75, 195213 (2007)
Dmitry V. Fedorov, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig,
Manifestation of quantum confinement in transport properties of ultrathin metallic films
Thin Solid Films 515, 6921 (2007)
Peter Zahn and Ingrid Mertig,
Enhanced Magnetoresistance
in H. Kronmüller and S. Parkin (eds.), Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials,
John Wiley & Sons (July 2007)
Peter Zahn
Spintronics: Transport Phenomena in Magnetic Nanostructures
in S. Gemming, M. Schreiber, and J.-B. Suck (eds.), Materials for Tomorrrow,
Springer Series on Materials Science 93, chap. 3, pp. 59-89, Springer, Berlin (2007),
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
Microscopic origin of magnetoresistance
Materials Today 9, 46-53, (2006)
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
Which states contribute to the tunneling current for large barrier thicknesses?
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 941, 0941-Q03-05 (2006)
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
How Many Fe layers Cause TMR?
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 941, 0941-Q01-02 (2006)
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, Bogdan Yu. Yavorsky, and Ingrid Mertig
Interface structure and bias dependence of Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel junctions: Ab initio calculations
Phys. Rev. B 73, 214441 (2006)
E.N. Voloshina, Yu.S. Dedkov, M. Richter, and P. Zahn
Electronic structure, magnetism, and spin-dependent transport of CeMnNi4
Phys. Rev. B 73, 144412 (2006)
Christian Heiliger, Peter Zahn, Bogdan Yu. Yavorsky, and Ingrid Mertig
Influence of the interface structure on the bias dependence of tunneling magnetoresistance
Phys. Rev. B 72, 180406(R) (2005)
Peter Zahn, Jörg Binder, and Ingrid Mertig,
Impurity scattering and quantum confinement in giant magnetoresistance systems: A comparative ab initio study
Phys. Rev. B 72, 174425 (2005) cond-mat/0504634 (2005)
B.Y. Yavorsky, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
About noncollinear magnetic structures in fcc-Fe on Cu(100)
Jour. Mag. Mag. Mat. 290-291, 408-410 (2005)
Denis V. Vyalikh, Peter Zahn, Manuel Richter, Yuri S. Dedkov, and Serguei L. Molodtsov,
Short-period oscillations in photemission from thin films of Cr(100)
Phys. Rev. B 72, 041402 (2005)
Dmitry V. Fedorov, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig,
Size effects and conductivity of ultrathin Cu films
Thin Solid Films 473, 346 (2005)
B. Yu. Yavorsky, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Ab initio study of the magnetic structure of fcc Fe grown on a Cu(001) substrate
Phys. Rev. B 70, 014413 (2004)
Peter Zahn and Ingrid Mertig,
Landauer conductance of tunnel junctions: Strong impact from boundary conditions
Phil. Mag. B 84 2949 (2004) cond-mat/0310703 (2003)
V. Meded, S. Olsson, P. Zahn, B. Hjövarsson, and S. Mirbt,
Resistivity of hydrogen-loaded Fe/V and Mo/V (100) superlattices: The role of vanadium expansion
Phys. Rev. B 69, 205409 (2004)
Peter Zahn, Jörg Binder, and Ingrid Mertig,
Impurity scattering and quantum confinement in giant magnetoresistance systems
Phys. Rev. B 68, 100403(R) (2003)
Jörg Opitz, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig,
Ab initio calculated electronic structure of metallic nanowires and nanotubes
Phys. Rev. B 66, 245417 (2002)
N. Papanikolaou, J. Opitz, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Spin-filter effect in metallic nanowires
Phys. Rev. B 66, 165441 (2002)
M.Ye. Zhuravlev, W. Schepper, S. Heitmann, H. Vinzelberg, P. Zahn, I. Mertig, H.O. Lutz, A.V. Vedyayev, G. Reiss, and A. Hütten,
Reliable prediction of giant magnetoresistance characteristics
Phys. Rev. B 65, 144428 (2002)
P. Zahn, N. Papanikolaou, F. Erler, and I. Mertig,
Evolution of Co/Cu multilayer conductivity during growth: ab intio study
Phys. Rev. B 65, 134432 (2002) cond-mat/0109293 (2001)
J. Binder, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Scattering anisotropy and giant magnetoresistance in magnetic multilayers
J. of Applied Physics 89, 7107 (2001)
Matthias Schneider, Dieter Lipp, Alexander Gladun, Peter Zahn, Axel Handstein, Günter Fuchs, Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler, Manuel Richter, Karl-Hartmut Müller, Helge Rosner,
Heat and Charge Transport Properties of MgB2
Physica C 363, 6 (2001) cond-mat/0105429 (2001)
J. Opitz, P. Zahn, J. Binder, and I. Mertig
Ab initio Calculation of the Interlayer Exchange Coupling in Fe/Au - Multilayers:
The Role of Impurities at the Interface
Phys. Rev. B 63, 094418 (2001)
Peter Zahn and Ingrid Mertig,
c(2x2) Interface Alloys in Co/Cu Multilayers- Influence on Interlayer Exchange Coupling and GMR
Phys. Rev. B 63, 104412 (2001) cond-mat/0009213 (2000)
Ingmar Riedel, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
Ab intio calculation of the transmission coefficients from a superlattice electronic structure
Phys. Rev. B 63, 195403 (2001) cond-mat/0011059 (2000)
Frido Erler, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
Finite-size effects in giant magnetoresistance: an ab initio calculation
Phys. Rev. B 64, 094408 (2001)
J. Binder, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
Ab initio calculations of Giant MagnetoResistance
J. of Applied Physics 87, 5182 (2000)
J. Opitz, P. Zahn, J. Binder, and I. Mertig
Interlayer Exchange Coupling in Fe/Au Multilayers
J. of Applied Physics 87, 6588 (2000)
S.-L. Drechsler, S.V. Shulga, K.-H. Müller, G. Fuchs, J. Freudenberger, G. Behr, H. Eschrig, L. Schultz, M.S. Golden, H. von Lips, J. Fink, V.N. Narozhnyi, H. Rosner, P. Zahn, A. Gladun, D. Lipp, A. Kreyssig, M. Loewenhaupt, K. Köpernik, K. Winzer, and K. Krug
Superconducting rare earth transition metal borocarbides
Physica C 318, 117 (1999)
P. Zahn, J. Binder, I. Mertig, R. Zeller, and P.H. Dederichs
Origin of giant magnetoresistance: Bulk or interface scattering?
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (19), 4309 (1998)
J. Binder, P. Zahn, I. Mertig, R. Zeller, and P.H. Dederichs
Magnetic properties of impurities and impurity pairs in magnetic multilayers
Phil. Mag. B 78, 537 (1998)
P. Zahn, I. Mertig, R. Zeller, and P.H. Dederichs
Screened KKR with hard core potentials
Phil. Mag. B 78, 411 (1998)
J. Opitz, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
Interlayer exchange coupling: a comparison of two theoretical concepts
Phil. Mag. B 78, 557 (1998)
J. Binder, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
Inverse Giant MagnetoResistance in Fe/Cu/Co/Cu multilayers
Jour. of Mag. and Mag. Mat. 165, 100-103 (1997)
P. Zahn, I. Mertig, R. Zeller, and P.H. Dederichs
Tight binding KKR - Application to CoCu(001): Electronic structure and transport
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 475, 525 (1997)
M. Richter, V.N. Antonov, P. Zahn, P.M. Oppeneer, M. Davis, A.Ya. Perlov, I. Mertig, S.V. Halilov, and H. Eschrig
Ab initio calculations of the giant magnetoresistance in uranium intermetallics
J. of Applied Physics 81, 5538 (1997)
M. Richter, P. Zahn, M. Divis, and I. Mertig
Giant MagnetoResistance in uranium intermetallics: Ab initio calculations for U2Pd2In and U2Pd2Sn
Phys. Rev. B 54, 11985 (1996)
P. Zahn, I. Mertig, M. Richter, and H. Eschrig
Ab inito calculations of the Giant Magnetoresistance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (16), 2996 (1995)
I. Mertig, P. Zahn, M. Richter, H. Eschrig, R. Zeller, P. H. Dederichs,
Ab initio calculation of residual resistivity in dilute Fe alloys and Giant MagnetioResistance in Fe/Cr multilayers,
J. of Mag. and Mag. Mat. 151, 363 (1995)
L. M. Sandratski, J. Kübler, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig,
Electronic structure, magnetic, and Fermi surface properties of UPd2Al3
Phys. Rev. B 50 (21), 15834 (1994)