International Award for Cancer Specialist Prof. Michael Baumann

Strahlentherapie mit Ionen: Ionenstrahl trifft auf HirntumorNews from March 2, 2012

On March 2, 2012, the “Gilbert H. Fletcher Distinguished Professor Lecture Award” was presented to Prof. Michael Baumann, Spokesperson of the OncoRay Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, in Geneva.

The Operating Partners of the “Center for Innovation Competence for Radiation Research in Oncology – OncoRay,” which pursues the objective of improving the treatment of cancer through biologically individualized, technologically optimized radiation therapy, include: The HZDR, TU Dresden, and Dresden University Hospital.

The award honors the research achievements of the world’s leading oncologists in treating and curing cancerous diseases. It is bestowed once a year by the world’s leading oncological center, the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston/Texas. This year, the award was presented at the "Translational Research in Radiation Oncology" conference.

During the Wunderkammer Wissenschaft exhibition Prof. Michael Baumann will speak to the public about the topic “Technology Meets Biology in Cancer Therapy – Breaking New Ground in Radiation Therapy of Tumors” on March 28, 2012.