Who may apply?
We welcome applications from PhD students and young scientists interested in Science in High Magnetic Fields. More senior scientists wishing to broaden their knowledge and research capabilities are also welcome. Participation at the summer school will be free of charge for selected candidates (including accommodation). Additionally, PhD students and young scientists are eligible for a partial financial assistance in the travel costs. Please specify in your motivation letter if you would like to apply for this support.
What is necessary?
Participants will be selected on motivation, curriculum vitae and abstract submission. Priority will be given to participants who also intend to present their results.
Please accompany your registration with a motivation letter (including a short CV, max. 1 page) stating why you would like to participate at the school. We encourage you to submit an abstract for your own contribution. The abstract should contain a title, a list of authors and affiliations, and an e-mail address of the corresponding. It should not exceed 1 A4 page but may be accompanied by another page of supporting figures.
The motivation letter and abstract should be merged into one single pdf document and uploaded at the second page of the application form. If you encounter any problems with registering.
Registration form
Please use our registration form for your application.