TRAKULA (transmutationsrelevante kernphysikalische Untersuchungen langlebiger Aktinide) is a joint research...

4th TRAKULA graduate seminar - “Radiochemistry of the Actinides”

When: 21.-23.05.2012
Where: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institut für Kernchemie
Fritz-Strassmann-Weg 2
55128 Mainz


We will have a couple of invited talks covering the following topics: Partitioning (A. Geist, KIT), Radiochemistry of the Actinides (V. Brendel, HZDR), The history of the discovery of nuclear fission (N. Trautmann, JGU) and Nuclear forensics (K. Lützenkirchen, ITU). In addition to that, we plan some practical laboratory exercises in nuclear chemistry and a visit of the research reactor TRIGA Mainz.

Monday, 21.05.2012
14:00-14:10 Welcome K. Eberhardt (JGU)  
14:10-14:30 TRAKULA - Status report A. Junghans (HZDR) download
14:30-15:00 Coffee break    
15:00-16:00 Tour TRIGA-Reactor K. Eberhardt (JGU) download
16:15-17:00 Talk: Separation of actinide elements from spent nuclear fuel A. Geist (KIT) download
Tuesday, 22.05.2012
08:30-09:30 Talk: Geschichte der Kernspaltung N. Trautmann (JGU) download
09:30-10:00 Lanthanide thin films produced by molecular plating A. Vascon (JGU)  
10:00-10:30 Coffee break    
10:30-11:00 Simulations of actinide fission chambers T. Kögler (HZDR) download
11:00-11:30 Investigations of long-lived alpha emitters F. Krüger (TUD) download
11:30-12:30 Lunch    
13:00-17:00 Practical course in radiochemistry: Experiments on the discovery of nuclear fission A. Vascon, K. Eberhardt, V. Nagel (JGU) download
from 19:00 Dinner at the Weinhaus Wilhelmi in Mainz    
Wednesday, 23.05.2012
09:00-10:00 Talk: Radiochemistry of the actinides V. Brendler (HZDR) download
10:00-10:30 Coffee break    
10:30-11:00 Neutron induced reactions at ELBE R. Beyer (HZDR) download
11:00-11:30 Status report: Compton camera L. Lewandowski (Köln) download
11:30-12:00 Development of the TCAP standard M. Erhard download
12:00-13:00 Lunch    
13:00-14:00 Talk: Actinides - Nuclear forensic K. Lützenkirchen (ITU) download
14:00-14:30 Accelerator mass spectrometry of the long-lived fission product 93Zr and plutonium isotopes K. Hain (TUM) download
14:30-14:45 Development of a scalable Compton camera readout for Linux M. Winkel (TUM) download
14:45-15:15 Coffee break    
15:15-16:30 Discussion: Follow-up project(s) all participants  
16:30-17:00 Conclusion A. Junghans (HZDR)  


We made a reservation for a contingent of 25 rooms at the Hotel “Schottenhof”, which is located within walking distance (2 minutes) from Mainz main station. The price for a single room is € 72.- per night, including breakfast and free WLAN-access. Contact Klaus Eberhard to get the access code to ensure that you get the special rate of JGU.  Please make your reservation at the “Schottenhof” before May, 14.

Address: Hotel Schottenhof
Schottstrasse 6
D - 55116 Mainz
Phon: +49-6131-232968 or  -69
Fax: +49-6131-221970

Important Notes:

  • Since you will enter controlled areas you need to bring your dosemeter and your “Strahlenpass” (if you possess one) with you.
  • Usually we have at least one status report (25+5 min) from every project partner. In order to complete the Workshop program, please let Klaus Eberhard know asap what other contributions are planned from your side.