Topping Off Ceremony at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory

News published on May 3, 2012

Ten months after the groundbreaking ceremony, there was once again reason to celebrate at the HZDR’s Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD). The structural work of the annex is completed; the interior work and the installation of the equipment are about to begin. To symbolically commemorate the completion of the first construction phase, a crane raised a wreath to the top of the building.

After its completion in 2005, the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory has been operated as a European user lab for materials research since 2007. The great demand for measurement time by external and internal users had the lab soon reach its capacity limits – an annex was urgently needed. A second capacitor bank for energy storage as well as six pulsed-field chambers for experiments will be available in the new annex. It’s scheduled to be handed over by the end of 2012. The Free State of Saxony will bear most of the 20 million euro investment costs for the entire HLD extension which is intended to be an international user center.

A picture gallery showing the construction progress can be found at: