Modeling of churn-turbulent flows
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The computational modeling of the flow is done using an Eulerian multi-fluid approach with the ANSYS software package CFX, while ICEM CFD is generally utilized for generating the mesh. The starting point which is based on existing models for bubbly flows include drag force, turbulent dispersion, bubble induced turbulence, among others. Some examples of these are the particle induced turbulence model developed by Rzehak (Rzehak and Krepper, 2012), the bubble-bubble interaction model established by Liao (Liao et al, 2011), and the inhomogeneous MUSIG (MUltiple SIze Group) approach developed by Krepper (Krepper et al., 2008). The last one allows to defined different bubble sizes groups with different velocity fields for both large and small bubbles. For the simulation of churn-turbulent flows, the gas phase is represented by 3 different gas fields corresponding to the 3 types of bubbles mentioned above. Such a multi size group approach allows creating a more realistic approximation of the churn-phenomenon (see Fig. 2a, 2b, and 2c). Experimental data for upwards vertical pipe flow obtained at the TOPFLOW facility are used for the validation of the CFD models.
The Eulerian multi-fluid approach is widely used to describe dispersed flows like bubbly or droplet flow since such flow patterns are characterized by scales of interfacial structures which are smaller than the grid size. For flow situations with large-scale interfaces like film-, annular or horizontal stratified flows usually interface tracking methods are used. In principle, the interface capturing methods should be used for interfacial length scales several times larger than the grid size, while for an averaged two-fluid approach bubble sizes smaller than the grid size are required (Hänsch et al., 2012). Since in case of churn-turbulent flows dispersed flows and large interfaces occur simultaneously, a combination of these modeling concepts would be needed. Such an approach, the GEneralized TwO Phase flow (GENTOP) concept, was recently developed in our CFD group. This concept which consider dispersed and continous gas phases is applied to churn turbulent flow (see Fig.3).
Each simulation is carefully validated against experimental data acquired from the TOPFLOW vertical test section facility, where water and air are use as test fluids. Experiments using large (DN 200) and small (DN 50) pipes are used and an upward flow is study. The radial profiles at different heights are measured using a two-level wire-mesh sensor in order to obtain gas velocities, bubble size distribution, total gas holdup, among other parameters (see Fig. 4 and 5).
Current studies are being devoted on the improvement of the modeling capabilities for high void fraction regimes, such as the development and modifications of different closure laws for large distorted gas structures (churn- and slug bubbles), and the constant improvement of the GENTOP –concept for the physically accurate full resolution of such large structures in highly turbulent flows (see Fig. 6).
Fig. 6: Videos of full 3D transient simulation using the GENTOP –concept. (JL = 1.017 m s-1; JG = 0.342 m s-1) |
Montoya, G.; Liao, Y.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.
Analysis and Applications of a Two-Fluid Multi-Field Hydrodynamic Model for Churn-Turbulent Flows
21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 21. China (2013) -
Montoya, G.; Baglietto, E.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.
A Generalized Multi-Field Two-Fluid Approach for Treatment of Multi-Scale Interfacial Structures in High Void-Fraction Regimes
MIT Energy Night 2013. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (2013) -
Montoya, G.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Hänsch, S.; Baglietto, E.
Analysis and Applications of a Generalized Multi-Field Two-Fluid Approach for Treatment of Multi-Scale Interfacial Structures in High Void-Fraction Regimes
2014 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2014. USA (2014) -
Montoya, G.; Baglietto, E.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Hoehne, T.
Comparative Analysis of High Void Fraction Regimes using an Averaging Euler-Euler Multi-Fluid Approach and a Generalized Two-Phase Flow (GENTOP) Concept
22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 22. Czech Republic (2014) -
Montoya, G.; Baglietto, E.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.
Development and Analysis of a CMFD Generalized Multi-Field Model for Treatment of Different Interfacial Scales in Churn-Turbulent and Transitional Flows
CFD4NRS-5 - Application of CFD/CMFD Codes to Nuclear Reactor Safety Design and their Experimental Validation. Switzerland (2014)
This work is carried out in the frame of a current research project funded by E.ON, and in cooperation with the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). |