PhD thesis
Interactions of Flavonoid-Metal Complexes with Biomembrane and DNA
Flavonoids are ubiquitous UV light absorbing plant secondary metabolites belonging to the family of natural polyphones, found abundantly in fruits and vegetables.
The Importance of flavonoids is based on their efficiency to form complexes with actinides and are thus of direct radioecological relevance .On the other hand the amphiphilic nature of flavonoids leads to strong association with lipophilic cellular components especially biomembrane and to intercalation with DNA.
With respect to the assessment and maintenance of environmental safety, flavonoids in nutritional and Non-nutritional organic matter play a key role in determing the physico-chemical processes by which Actinides in contaminated sites enter into food chain and finally in human diet.
- Understanding the molecular basis of heavy metal and Actinides coordination by different flavonoids.
- Determination of the stability of the complexes and its dependence on the association with lipidic phases and DNA.
- The light dependent redox state of Uranyl and the consequences for its environmental mobility will be addressed by Invitro systems.
- Comparison of the experimental photophysical data with ab initio calculations on uranyl photochemistry using DFT.
- Microcalorimetry.
- Steady-state and Time Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
- Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy.
This research is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).