Seminars of the AG Coherent THz Radiation
- 17.02.2011 - Holger Schlarb / DESY: "Femtosecond synchronization at FLASH"
- 11.03.2011 - Ilie Radu / University of Niemwegen:"Ultrafast Magnetism: From X-rays to THz excitations"
- 12.01.2012 - Venkatesh Mamidala / Nat. Univ. of Singapore: "Optical Limiting Properties of Novel Nanocomposites"
- 12.09.2012 - Simon Wall / ICFO Barcelona: "Probing ultrafast changes in crystal symmetries"
- 09.10.2012 - Sergey Kovalev / Lomonossov University Moscow: "Generation and Detection of the Terahertz Radiation by Pumping Periodically Poled Crystals with Femtosecond Laser Pulses"
- 19.11.2012 - Alan. S. Fischer / SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: "Intense Terahertz from SLAC Electron Beams using Coherent Transition Radiation"
- 20.03.2013 - Stefan Kaiser / MPSD-CFEL: "Transient Superconductivity in optically modulated YBa2Cu3O6+x"
- 22.03.2013 - Nikola Stojanovic / DESY: "THz sources at FLASH"
- 08.11.2013 - Niels Neumann / TUD: "BMBF Project INsel-Developement of an on-chip GHz/THz spectrometer"
- 15.11.2013 - S. Naknaimueang / KIT: "Studies of bunch length and charge for the new super-radiant THz source project FLUTE at KIT"
- 27.11.2013 - Andreas Steiger / PTB: "THz Metrology at the PTB"
- 14.01.2014 - Vitali Goryashki / University of Upsala: "Towards combined linac-based THz/X-ray source at the Swedish FEL center"
- 08.07.2014 - Jongseok Lee / Gwangju University of Science and Technology: "Application of THz technology to solid state physics"