Publications 2007-2023

ELBE accelerator - machine physics


A. Maalberg, M. Kuntzsch, K. Zenker, and E. Petlenkov.

Regulation of electron bunch arrival time for a continuous-wave linac: Exploring the application of the H2 mixed-sensitivity problem.

Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 26, 072801 (2023)


A. Maalberg, M. Kuntzsch, and E. Petlenkov.

Regulation of the Linear Accelerator ELBE Exploiting Continuous Wave Mode of a Superconducting RF Cavity.

Proc. 2022 Am. Control Conf., pages 5346–5353

A. Maalberg, M. Kuntzsch, and E. Petlenkov.

Real-Time Regulation of Beam-Based Feedback: Implementing an FPGA Solution for a Continuous Wave Linear Accelerator.

Sensors, 22(16):6236, Aug 2022, doi: 10.3390/s22166236


Gümüş, Ç.; Hierholzer, M.; Kuntzsch, M.; Pfeiffer, S.; Schmidt, C.; Steinbrück, R.; Zenker, K.; Michel, P.; Schlarb, H.; Schurig, R.
MicroTCA.4 based low level RF for continuous wave mode operation at the ELBE accelerator
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68(2021)9, 2326-2333

Bellandi, A.; Butkowski, Ł.; Dursun, B.; Eichler, A.; Gümüs, C.; Kuntzsch, M.; Nawaz, A.; Pfeiffer, S.; Schlarb, H.; Schmidt, C.; Zenker, K.; Branlard, J.
Online Detuning Computation and Quench Detection for Superconducting Resonators
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68(2021)4, 385-393

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, G. Ciovati, J.-C. Deinert, P. Evtushenko, M. Justus, J. M. Klopf, P. Kneisel, S. Kovalev, M. Kuntzsch, U. Lehnert, P. Lu, S. Ma, P. Murcek, P. Michel, A. Ryzhov, J. Schaber, C. Schneider, R. Schurig, R. Steinbrück, H. Vennekate, I. Will, and R. Xiang
Successful user operation of a superconducting radio-frequency photoelectron gun with Mg cathodes
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 033401 (2021)


Maalberg, A.; Kuntzsch, M.; Petlenkov, E.
Simulation of RF Noise Propagation to Relativistic Electron Beam Properties in a Linear Accelerator
21st IFAC World Congress, 13.07.2020, Berlin, Germany


J. Kühn, M. Bürger, A. Frahm, A. Jankowiak, T. Kamps, G. Klemz, G. Kourkafas, A. Neumann, N. Ohm, M. Schmeißer, M. Schuster, J. Völker, P. Murcek, J. Teichert
A Cu Photocathode for the Superconducting RF Photoinjector of BERLinPro
IPAC 2018, Vancouver, Canada, April 29 – May 4, 2018

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P.N. Lu, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate Study of Magnesium Photocathodes for Superconducting RF Photoinjectors
IPAC 2018, Vancouver, Canada, April 29 – May 4, 2018

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, M. Bawatna, P.E. Evtushenko, M. Gensch, B.W. Green, S. Kovalev, U. Lehnert, P.N. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang
Experiences with the SRF Gun II for User Operation at the ELBE Radiation Source
IPAC 2018, Vancouver, Canada, April 29 – May 4, 2018

G. T. Hallilingaiah, A. Arnold, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, U. van Rienen,
Numerical Studies of Normal Conducting Deflecting Cavity Designs for the ELBE Accelerator
IPAC 2018, Vancouver, Canada, April 29 – May 4, 2018


R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P.N. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, P. Patra
Improvement of the Photoemission Efficiency of Magnesium Photocathodes
IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 May 2017, p. 500

J. Kühn, J. Borninkhof, M. Bürger, A. Frahm, A. Jankowiak, T. Kamps, M.A.H. Schmeißer, M. Schuster, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, R. Xiang
UHV Photocathode Plug Transfer Chain for the BERLinPro SRF-Photoinjector
IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 May 2017, p. 1381

P.N. Lu, A. Arnold, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang
Beam Transport Optimization for Applying an SRF Gun at the ELBE Center
IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 May 2017, p. 3712

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, U. Lehnert, P. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate
Application status of SRF gun II as the injector for the ELBE radiation center
IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 May 2017

P.N. Lu, A. Arnold, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang
Diagnostics of ELBE SRF Gun - Status and Future Design
IBIC2017, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, 20-24 August 2017

H. Vennekate, A. Arnolds, J. Kiefer, P. Lu, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, R. Xiang
Building the third SRF Gun at HZDR
IBIC 2017, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, 20-24 August 2017


B. Green, S. Kovalev, V. Asgekar, G. Geloni, U. Lehnert, T. Golz, M. Kuntzsch, C. Bauer, J. Hauser, J. Voigtlaender, B. Wustmann, I. Koesterke, M. Schwarz, M. Freitag, A. Arnold, J. Teichert, M. Justus, W. Seidel, C. Ilgner, N. Awari, D. Nicoletti, S. Kaiser, Y. Laplace, S. Rajasekaran, L. Zhang, S. Winnerl, H. Schneider, G. Schay, I. Lorincz, A. A. Rauscher, I. Radu, S. Mährlein, T. H. Kim, J. S. Lee, T. Kampfrath, S. Wall, J. Heberle, A. Malnasi-Csizmadia, A. Steiger, A. S. Müller, M. Helm, U. Schramm, T. Cowan, P. Michel, A. Cavalleri, A. S. Fisher, N. Stojanovic, M. Gensch
High-Field High-Repetition-Rate Sources for the Coherent THz Control of Matter
Scientific Reports 6, 22256 (2016)

P. Lu, A. Arnold, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang
Simulation of ELBE SRF gun II for high-bunch-charge applications
NIM A 830, 536 (2016)

R. Xiang , A. Arnold, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, P. Lu, H. Vennekate
Highlights on metallic photocathodes used in SRF gun
IPAC’16, Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016

R.Xiang, J. Teichert
Electron sources and polarization
58th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e- Colliders
Daresbury, 24-27 October 2016


R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, P. Lu, H. Vennekate
A step closer to the CW high brilliant beam with SRF gun II
Sixth International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'15)
03.-08.05.2015, Richmond, USA

R. Xiang, J. Teichert,
Photocathodes for high-brightness photoinjectors
Physica Procedia 77, 58(2015)

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, P. Michel, P. Murcek, R. Xiang, P. Lu, H. Vennekate
First beam characterization of SRF gun II at ELBE with a Cu photocathode
ERL 2015, Stony Brook, USA, 2015

H. Vennekate, A. Arnold, D. Jansen, P. Kneisel, P. Lu, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, R. Xiang
ELBE SRF Gun II – Emittance Compensation Schemes
SRF 2015, Whistler, Canada, 2015

A. Arnold, M. Freitag, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang, P. Kneisel, G. Ciovati, L. Turlington
RF Performance Results of the 2nd ELBE SRF Gun
SRF 2015, Whistler, Canada, 2015

P. Murcek, A. Arnold, J. Teichert, R. Xiang, A. Burrill,
Plug Transfer System for GaAs Photocathodes
SRF 2015, Whistler, Canada, 2015

E. Panofski, A. Jankowiak, T. Kamps, P.N. Lu, J. Teichert
SRF Gun Characterization – Phase Space and Dark Current Measurement at ELBE
IBIC2015, Melbourne, Australia, 2015

M. Kuntzsch, U. Lehnert, R. Schurig, J. Teichert, M. Gensch, P. Michel
Bunch Compression Dependent Jitter Analysis with Large Spectral Range
IBIC2015, Melbourne, Australia, 2015


J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Büttig, M. Justus, T. Kamps, U. Lehnert, P. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Rudolph, R. Schurig, W. Seidel, H. Vennekate, I. Will, R. Xiang
Free-electron laser operation with a superconducting radio-frequency photoinjector at ELBE
NIM A 743 (2014) 114-120

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, T. Kamps, P. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, H. Vennekate, G. Staats, J. Teichert
Experimental studies of dark current in a superconducting rf photo-injector
Phys. Rev. Special Topics - AB 17 (2014), 043401

J. Teichert
Superconducting RF Guns: Emerging Technology for Future Accelerators
Proc. 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’14,

June 15-20, 2014, Dresden, Germany

E. Tafa Tulu, U. van Rienen, A. Arnold
Different Countermeasures of Electron Amplification in the Photocathode Unit
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’14
June 15-20, 2014, Dresden, Germany

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P.Michel, P. Murcek,J.Teichert, P. Lu,  H. Vennekate
Recent improvement of Cs2Te photocathodes at HZDR
Proceeding and Poster of IPAC’14,
June 15-20, 2014, Dresden, Germany

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, P.  Lu, H. Vennekate
NEA-GaAs (Cs, O) Photocathodes for the ELBE SRF gun
Proceedings of the IPAC’14,
June 15-20, 2014, Dresden, Germany

H. Vennekate, A. Arnold, P. Kneisel, P. Lu, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, T. Kamps, R. Xiang
Transverse Emittance Compensation for the Rossendorf SRF Gun,
Proceedings of IPAC ’14,
June 15-20, 2014, Dresden, Germany

G. Staats, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, T. Kirschke, M. Kuntzsch, P. Michel, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, A. Wagner, R.Xiang, R. Krause-Rehberg, A. Mueller
Proceedings of IPAC2014,
Dresden, Germany

A. Arnold, M. Freitag, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang, P. Kneisel, G. Ciovati, L. Turlington
Commissioning results of the 2nd 3.5 cell SRF gun for ELBE
27th Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC14, 31st August to 5th  September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 578.

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, M. Freitag, P. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang, P. Kneisel, I. Will
Commissioning of an improved superconducting RF photo injector at ELBE
FEL Conference, 25 -29 August 2014, Basel, Switzerland, p. 881.

Xiang, R.; Arnold, A.; Lu, P.; Murcek, P.; Teichert, J.; Vennekate, H.; Barday, R.
Photoemission studies of niobium and lead photocathodes using picosecond UV laser
Proceeding and Poster of FEL Conference, 25 -29 August 2014, Basel, Switzerland

P. Lu, H. Vennekate, A. Arnold, U. Lehnert, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, R. Xiang,
Simulation of the ELBE SRF gun II
IPAC 2014,Dresden, Germany

P. Lu, A. Arnold, H. Vennekate, U. Lehnert, P. Murcek, J. Teichert, R. Xiang,
Simulation and First Results of the ELBE SRF Gun II
Proceedings of IBIC2014, Monterey, CA, USA

M. Kuntzsch, M. Gensch, B.W. Green, S. Kovalev, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, R. Schurig, J. Teichert
CW Beam Stability Analysis in Time and Frequency Domain
Proceedings of IBIC2014, Monterey, CA, USA


H. Büttig, A. Arnold, A. Büchner, M. Justus, M. Kuntzsch, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, R. Schurig, G. Staats, J. Teichert.
RF power upgrade at the superconducting 1.3 GHz CW LINAC “ELBE” with solid state amplifiers
NIM A 704, 7-13 (2013)


C. Kaya, C. Schneider, A. Al-Shemmary, W. Seidel, M. Kuntzsch, J. Bhattacharyya, M. Mittendorff, P. Evtushenko, S. Winnerl, G. Staats, M. Helm, N. Stojanovic, P. Michel, and M. Gensch
Phase sensitive monitoring of electron bunch form and arrival time in superconducting linear accelerators
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 141103 (2012)

M. Gensch, M. Helm, C. Kaya, M. Kuntzsch, U. Lehnert, V. Mamidala, P. Michel, C. Schneider, R. Schurig, W. Seidel, G. Staats, A. Al-Shemmary, H. Schlarb, N. Stojanovic, G.A. Geloni
Femtosecond level electron bunch diagnostic at quasi-cw SRF accelerators: test facility ELBE,
Proceedings of IPAC2012, New Orleans 20.5. – 25.5.2012, MOPPR016.

J. Völker, T. Kamps, W. Anders, R. Barday, A. Jankowiak, J. Knobloch, O. Kugeler, A.N. Matveenko, A. Neumann, T. Quast, J. Rudolph, S. Schubert, V. Volkov, J. Smedley, J. Sekutowicz, J. Teichert, P. Kneisel, R.  Nietubyc, I.  Will
Operational Experience with the Nb/Pb Photoelectron Gun
Proceedings of IPAC2012,  New Orleans 20.5. – 25.5.2012, 978-3-95450-115-1, TUPPD051

A. Arnold
Simulation und Messung der Hochfrequenzeigenschaften einer supraleitenden Photo-Elektronenquelle
Dissertation, Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik der Universität Rostock, 2012


A. Arnold, J. Teichert
Overview on superconducting photoinjectors
Phys. Rev. Special Topics AB 14, 024801 (2011)

J. Rudolph, M. Abo-Bakr, T. Kamps, J. Teichert,
Slice-Emittance Measurements at ELBE/SRF-Injector
Proc. DIPAC 2011, May 16 – 18, 2011, Hamburg, Germany

M. Kuntzsch, A. Büchner, T. Kirschke, U. Lehnert, F. Roeser
Future Timing and Synchronization Scheme at ELBE
Proceeding  DIPAC 2011, May 16 – 18, 2011, Hamburg, Germany

J Teichert, A Arnold, H Büttig, U Lehnert, P Michel, P Murcek, Ch Schneider, R Schurig, G Staats, R Xiang, P Kneisel, T Kamps, J Rudolph, M Schenk, G Klemz and I Will
Operation of the superconducting RF photo gun at ELBE
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 298(2011), 012008


R. Xiang, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek,  A.Schamlott, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert
Cs2Te normal conducting photocathodes in the superconducting rf gun
Phys. Rev. Special Topics AB 13, 043501 (2010)

H. Büttig, A. Arnold, A. Büchner, M. Freitag, M. Krätzig, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, R. Schurig, G. Staats, J. Teichert, J. Voigtlänger, A. Winter
Study of the ELBE RF-couplers with a new 1.3 GHz RF-coupler test bench driven by a resonant ring
Nucl. Instr. and  Meth. A 612, 427 (2010)

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert, T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, G. Klemz, I. Will,
The ELBE accelerator facility starts operation with the superconducting rf gun
Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan, 23-28.05.2010

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert,
Thermal Emittance Measurement of the Cs2Te Photocathode in FZD Superconducting RF Gun
Proc. FEL 2010 Conference, August 23-27, 2010, Malmö, Sweden

R. Krause-Rehberg,  M. Jungmann, A. Krille1, B. Werlich,  A. Pohl1, W. Anwand, G.Brauer, M. Butterling, H. Büttig, K.M. Kosev, J. Teichert, A. Wagner, T.E. Cowan
Use of Superconducting LINACS for Positron Generation: The EPOS System at Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf
12th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques,
Magnetic Island, North Queensland, Australia,1st to 6th August, 2010

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, R. Xiang, T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, G. Klemz, I. Will, F. Staufenbiel,
Status of the SRF Gun Operation at ELBE
Proc. FEL 2010 Conference, August 23-27, 2010, Malmö, Sweden

A. Arnold
Interactive 3D ELBE Simulator for Educational Use
Proceedings of International Workshop - Innovation Information Technology, September 06-10, Dresden, Germany, 2010.

A. Arnold
A Diplexer to Operate Two Cavity Eigen modes in Parallel,
Proceedings of 25th Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10), September 12 - 17, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010.

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang,T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, HZB, Berlin, G. Klemz, I. Will,
Operation of the superconducting RF photo gun at ELBE (talk+paper)
Proceedings of PESP2010 - Workshop on Sources of Polarized Leptons and High Brightness Electron Beams, September 21-24, 2010, Bonn, Germany

C.Schneider, P.Michel, C.Haberstroh
Runtime Experience and Impurity Investigations at the ELBE Cryogenic Plant
Proceedings of the First International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC’10, 23.-28.05.2010, Kyoto, Japan

U.Lehnert, V. B. Asgekar, P. Michel
A tapered Undulator Experiment at the ELBE FIR Oscillaotr FEL
Proceedings of FEL Conference 2010, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Schweden

U.Lehnert, P.Michel, W.Seidel, A.Aksoy, M.Helm, H.Schneider, S.Winnerl
Conceptual Design of a THz Facility at the ELBE Radiation Source
Proceedings of FEL Conference 2010, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Schweden


Henrik Tietze
Diplomarbeit HTW Dresden, 2009
Entwicklung der Steuerungssoftware und der Visualisierung für Strahlführungskomponenten des Kathodenlasers der supraleitenden Hochfrequenzquelle am Beschleuniger ELBE

J.W. Lewellen, H. Bluem, A. Burrill, T.L. Grimm, T. Kamps, R. Legg, K. Liu, T. Rao, J. Smedley, J. Teichert, S. Zhang 
Drive Lasers and RF Gun Operation and Challenges
ERL 2009 WG1 Summary Paper
Proc. ERL Workshop, Ithaca, USA, June 8-12, 2009

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, A. Schamlott, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert, T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, G. Klemz, I. Will
Running Experience of the Superconducting RF Photoinjector at FZD
Proceedings of FEL´09, August 23-28, 2009, Liverpool, UK

A. Arnold, J. Teichert
Overview of Superconducting Photoinjectors
Proc. SRF 2009 Conference, Sept. 20-25, 2009, Berlin & Dresden, Germany, p. 20.

P. Murcek, H. Buettig, P. Michel, K. Moeller, A. Arnold, J. Teichert, R. Xiang, M. Freitag, P. Kneisel
Modified 3½-Cell SC Cavity Made of Large Grain Niobium for the FZD SRF Photoinjector
Proc. SRF 2009 Conference, Sept. 20-25, 2009, Berlin & Dresden, Germany, p. 585

H. Büttig, A. Arnold, A. Büchner, M. Freitag, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, R. Schurig, G.S. Staats, J. Teichert, J. Voigtländer, A. Winter

Test of ELBE RF-Components with Increased RF-Power

Proc. SRF 2009 Conference, Sept. 20-25, 2009, Berlin & Dresden, Germany, p. 249

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, A. Schamlott, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert

The Properties of Normal Conducting Cathodes in FZD Superconducting Gun
Proc. SRF 2009 Conference, Sept. 20-25, 2009, Berlin & Dresden, Germany, p. 254

R. Xiang, A. Arnold, P. Michel, P. Murcek, J. Teichert
 Low Emittance Polarized Electron Source Based on FZD Superconducting RF Gun
Proceedings of  XIIIth International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets & Polarimetry (PST2009), September 07-11, 2009 , Ferrara, Italy

H.Büttig, A.Arnold, P.Michel, M.Freitag, U.Lehnert, R.Schurig, G.Staats, J.Teichert, A.Voigtländer, A.Winter, A.Büchner
Tests of ELBE RF-Components with Increased RF-Power
Proceeding at SRF 2009 Conference, Sept. 20-25, 2009, Berlin & Dresden, Germany

M. Kuntzsch, H. Büttig, P. Michel, R. Schurig, G. Staats

Simple Multichannel Phase Supervising Circuit at ELBE
Proceeding SRF 2009 Conference, Sept. 20-25, 2009, Berlin & Dresden, Germany, p. 702

Michael Kuntzsch
Diplomarbeit HTW Dresden, 2009
Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Phasenmessgerätes für das 1,3 GHz HF-System der Strahlungsquelle ELBE


A. Arnold, H. Büttig, D. Janssen, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Möller, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert, R. Xiang, T. Kamps, D. Lipka, F. Marhauser, G. Klemz, I. Will,W.D. Lehmann, J. Stephan, V. Volkov
A high-brightness SRF photo injector for FEL light sources
NIM A , 593, 57, (2008)

F. Staufenbiel, D. Janssen, T. Kamps, U. Lehnert, D. Lipka, P. Michel, J. Teichert, R. Xiang
Beam dynamics studies for a 3 ½ cell superconducting RF photo injector
operating at low and high bunch charge
NIM  A 584, 259, (2008)

W. Seidel, E. Cizmar, O. Drachenko, M. Helm, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, M. Ozerov, H. Schneider, R. Schurig, D. Stehr, M. Wagner, S. Winnerl, D. Wohlfarth, S. Zvyagin, S. C. Kehr, L. M. Eng
Three years of cw-operation at FELBE - Experiences and applications
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2008, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Korea, Proceedings of FEL 2008

U. Lehnert, R. Jongma, K. Dunkel, Ch. Piel, A. van der Meer, P. Michel, R. Wuensch, R.; W. van der Zande, K. van der Geer, P. van der Slot
Design of the Nijmegen High-Resolution FIR-FEL
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2008, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Korea, Proceedings of FEL 2008

U. Lehnert, G. Staats, R. Wünsch
Gain Deterioration at particular wavelengths in a partially waveguided FEL
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2008, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Korea, Proceedings of FEL 2008

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, M. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, A.  Schamlott, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, G. Klemz, I. Will
Initial Commissioning Experience with the Superconducting RF Photoinjector at ELBE
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2008, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Korea, Proceedings of FEL 2008

P. Michel, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, R. Schurig, J. Teichert
Investigation and improvement of beam stability at the ELBE FEL's
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2008, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Korea, Proceedings of FEL 2008

G. Staats, U. Schade
New Structures for High Resolution THz-Imaging in Medical Applications
30th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2008, 24.-29.08.2008, Gyeongju, Korea, Proceedings of FEL 2008

U. Lehnert, P. Michel, W. Seidel, J. Teichert, R. Wünsch
The ELBE Free-Electron Lasers – a user facility for the mid- to far infrared
IEEE Dresden October 2008

Thorsten Kamps, André Arnold, Daniel Boehlick, Marc Dirsat, Guido Klemz, Dirk Lipka, Torsten Quast, Jeniffa Rudolph, Mario Schenk, Friedrich Staufenbiel, Jochen Teichert, and Ingo Will
Electron beam diagnostics for a superconducting radio frequency photoelectron injector
Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 093301 (2008)

Thorsten Kamps, Daniel Bohlick, Marc Dirsat, Dirk Lipka, Torsten Quast, Jeniffa Rudolph, Mario Schenk,Andre Arnold, Friedrich Staufenbiel, Jochen Teichert, Guido Klemz, Ingo Will
Commissioning of Electron Beam Diagnostics for a SRF Photoelectron Injector
2008 Beam Instrumentation Workshop, May 4-8, 2008, Lake Tahoe, USA

 J. Teichert, A. Arnold, A. Büchner, H. Büttig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, T. Kamps, G. Klemz, U. Lehnert, A. Matheisen, P. Michel, P. Murcek, R. Schurig, G. Staats, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, I. Will
Commissioning Results of the Superconducting Photo-Injector at ELBE
Proceedings of EPAC´08, June 23 -27, 2008, Genoa, Italy

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, A. Schamlott, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, G. Klemz, I. Will
The Superconducting RF Photoinjector at ELBE – First Operational Experience
Proceedings of PESP workshop, October 1-3, 2008, Newport News, USA.

A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Moeller, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert, R. Xiang, A. Matheisen, B. v. d. Horst, J. Stephan, T. Kamps, V. Volkov
Measurements of the Rossendorf SRF-Gun Cavity Characteristics Proceedings of PESP workshop, October 1-3, 2008, Newport News, USA.

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, P. Murcek, A. Schamlott, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, T. Kamps, J. Rudolph, M. Schenk, A. Matheisen, G. Klemz, I. Will, P. vom Stein
The New Superconducting RF Photoinjector at the ELBE Linac
The IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden19-25 October 2008, Germany

V. Volkov, D. Janssen
Applications of cavity transverse modes in accelerators
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 11, 061302, (2008)


 A. Arnold, H. Büttig, D. Janssen, T. Kamps, G. Klemz, W.D. Lehmann, U. Lehnert, D. Lipka, F. Marhauser, P. Michel, K. Möller, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Stephan, J. Teichert, V.Volkov, I.Will, R. Xiang
Development of a superconducting radio frequency photoelectron injector
NIM 577(3), 440, (2007)

V. Volkov, K. Floettmann, D. Janssen
Superconducting RF Gun cavities for large bunch charges
Particle Accelerator Conference 07 (22nd PAC Conference), 25.-29.06.2007, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Proceedings of PAC 2007, 1-4244-0917-9/07, 4150-4152

W. Seidel, E. Grosse, M. Justus, K.-W. Leege, D. Proehl, R. Schlenk, A. Winter, D. Wohlfarth, R. Wuensch
The IR-Beam Transport System from the ELBE-FELs to the User Labs
Proceeding of the 29th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2007, 26.-31.08.2007, Novosibirsk, Russia

U. Lehnert, P. Michel, W. Seidel, G. Staats, J. Teichert, R. Wünsch,
First Experiences with the FIR-FEL at ELBE
29th International Free Electron Laser Conference FEL 2007, 26.-31.08.2007, Novosibirsk, Russia
Proceedings of FEL 2007

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Büttig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Moeller, P. Murcek, C. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, J. Stephan, W.-D. Lehmann, T. Kamps, G. Klemz, I. Will, D. Lipka, A. Matheisen, B. Von D. Horst, P. vom Stein, V. Volkov
A superconducting RF photo-injector for operation at the ELBE linear accelerator
29th International Free Electron Laser Conference, 26.-31.08.2007, Novosibirsk, Russia
Proceedings of FEL 2007

M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P.  Michel, P. Evtushenko
Design of an Electron Beam Energy Control Loop Using Transverse Dispersion
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007 - 8th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, 20.-23.05.2007, Venezia, Italy

J. Teichert, A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Moeller, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, J. Stephan, W.-D. Lehmann, T. Kamps, G. Klemz, I. Will, A. Matheisen, B. v. d. Horst, P. v. Stein, V. Volkov,
Status of the Superconducting RF Photo-Injector Development
Proc. ERL Workshop, Daresbury, UK, May 21- 25 2007

F. Staufenbiel, A. Arnold, H. Büttig, D. Janssen, T. Kamps, U. Lehnert, D. Lipka, P. Michel, K. Möller, Ch.Schneider, R. Schurig, G. Staats, J. Teichert, I. Will, R. Xiang
Beam parameter simulation of the Rossendorfer SRF gun and comparison with other RF photo injectors
Proc. ERL Workshop, Daresbury, UK, May 21-25 2007

A. Arnold, H. Büttig, D. Jannsen, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Möller, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert, R. Xiang, A. Matheisen, B. van der Horst, J. Stephan, W.-D. Lehmann, T. Kamps, V. Volkov,
Reconstruction of the Field Distribution by Measuring the Fundamental Passband Frequencies of the Rossendorf SRF-Gun Cavity
Proc. SRF Workshop, October 14 – 19, 2007, Beijing, China

R. Xiang, D. Janssen, P. Michel, K. Moeller, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert
Low emittance polarized electron source based on Superconducting RF gun
Proc. SRF Workshop, October 14 – 19, 2007, Beijing, China

V. Volkov, D. Janssen
Higher Order Mode Analyses for the Rossendorf SRF Gun
Proceedings of  FEL 2007 Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007, p. 228