Publications 2007 - 2021

Radiation Physics

2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007




J. Pawelke, M. Brand, S. Hans, K- Hideghéty, Karsch, E. Lessmann, S. Löck, M. Schürer, E. R. Szabó, E. Beyreuther
Electron dose rate and oxygen depletion protect zebrafish embryos from radiation damage
Radiotherapy and Oncology 158,7 (2021)


N.Esplen, M.S. Mendonca and M. Bazalova-Carter
Physics and biology of ultrahigh dose-rate (FLASH) radiotherapy:a topical review
Phys. Med. Biol.65, 1398 (2020) 23TR03


J.M. Krämer, A. Jochmann, R. Pausch, A. Debus, J.P. Couperus, A. Köhler, O. Zarini, M. Kuntzsch, M. Bussmann, M. Budde, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, T. Cowan, U. Schramm, and A. Irman
Making spectral shape measurements in inverse Compton scattering a tool for advanced diagnostic applications
Scientifc Reports 8, 1398 (2018)

T. Kurz, J. Couperus, J.M. Krämer, H. Ding, S. Kuschel, A. Köhler, O. Zarini, D. Hollatz, D. Schinkel, R. D'Arcy, J.P. Schwinkendorf, J. Osterhoff, A. Irman, U. Schramm, and S. Karsch
Calibration and cross-laboratory implementation of scintillating screens for electron bunch charge determination
Review of Scientific Instrument 89, 093303(2018)

M. C. Downer, R. Zgadzaj, A. Debus, U. Schramm, and M. C. Kaluza
Diagnostics for plasma-based electron accelerators,
Rev. Mod. Phys.90, 035002(2018)


Gotz, L. Karsch, J. Pawelke
A new model for volume recombination in plane-parallel chambers in pulsed fields of high dose-per-pulse
Physics in Medicine and Biology62 (22), 8634 (2017)

L. Karsch, E. Beyreuther, W. Enghardt, M. Gotz, U. Masood, U. Schramm, K. Zeil, J. Pawelke,
Towards ion beam therapy based on laser plasma accelerators
Acta Oncologica 56 (11), 1359 (2017)


J.M. Krämer, M. Budde, F. Boedker, A. Irman, A. Jochmann, J.P. Kristensen, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, U. Schramm
Electron beam final focus system for Thomson scattering at ELBE Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 830, 532 (2016)

F. Hueso-González, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, T. Kormoll, G. Pausch, J. Petzoldt, K. E. Römer and W. Enghardt
Compton Camera and Prompt Gamma Ray Timing: Two Methods for In Vivo Range Assessment in Proton Therapy
Front. Oncol.6 Article 80 (2016)

G. Pausch, J. Petzoldt, M. Berthel, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, F. Hueso-González, R. Lentering, K. Römer, K. Ruhnau, J. Stein, A. Wolf, and T. Kormoll
Scintillator-Based High-Throughput Fast Timing Spectroscopy for Real-Time Range Verification in Particle Therapy
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 63, 2, 664 (2016)

L. Laschinsky, L. Karsch, E. Leßmann, M. Oppelt, J. Pawelke, C. Richter, M. Schürer, E. Beyreuther
Radiobiological influence of megavoltage electron pulses of ultra-high pulse dose rate on normal tissue cells
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 553, 381 (2016)



K. Roemer, G. Pausch,D. Bemmerer, M. Berthel, A. Dreyer, C. Golnik, F. Hueso-Gonzalez, T. Kormoll, J. Petzoldt, H. Rohling, P. Thirolf, A. Wagner, L. Wagner, D. Weinberger and F. Fiedler Characterization of scintillator crystals for usage as prompt gamma monitors in particle therapy
Journal of Instrumentation 10(2015)

F. Hueso-González, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, G. Janssens, J. Petzoldt, D. Prieels, M. Priegnitz, K E. Römer, J. Smeets, F. Vander Stappen, A. Wagner and G. Pausch
First test of the prompt gamma ray timing method with heterogeneous targets at a clinical proton therapy facility
Phys. Med. Biol. 60, 6247(2015)

F. Hueso-Gonzalez, A.K. Biegun, P. Dendooven, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, K. Heidel, T. Kormoll, J. Petzoldt, K.E. Römer, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner and G. Pausch
Comparison of LSO and BGO block detectors for prompt gamma imaging in ion beam therapy
Journal of Instrumentation 10(2015)

E. Beyreuther, L. Karsch, L. Laschinsky, E. Lessmann, D. Naumburger, M. Oppelt, C. Richter, M. Schürer, J. Woithe, J. Pawelke
Radiobiological response to ultra-short pulsed megavoltage electron beams of ultra-high pulse dose rate
International Journal of Radiation Biology 91 ,8, 643(2015)

M. Gotz, L. Karsch, J. Pawelke
Dosimetrie in hochenergetischen, gepulsten Strahlungsfeldern.
Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie des Freistaates Sachsen (Hrsg.): Ortsdosimetrie in gepulsten Strahlungsfeldern. Schriftenreihe, Heft 5 (2015)

M. Gotz, L. Karsch, J. Pawelke
Comparative investigation of three dose rate meters for their viability in pulsed radiation fields.
J. Radiol. Prot. 35, 415 (2015)

E. Beyreuther, L. Karsch, L. Laschinsky, E. Leßmann, D. Naumburger, M. Oppelt, C. Richter, M. Schürer, J. Woithe, J. Pawelke
Radiobiological response to ultra-short pulsed megavoltage electron beams of ultra-high pulse dose rate.
Int. J. Radiat. Biol. (2015) posted online (May 13)
DOI 10.3109/09553002.2015.1043755



F. Hueso-Gonzalez, C. Golnik, M. Berthel, A. Dreyer, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, K. Heidel, T. Kormoll, H. Rohling, S. Schöne, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner and G. Pausch
Test of Compton camera components for prompt gamma imaging at the ELBE bremsstrahlung beam
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014)

L. Karsch, J. Pawelke
Theoretical investigation of the saturation correction for ionization chambers irradiated with pulsed beams of arbitrary pulse length
Z. Med. Phys. 24, 201(2014)

F. Hueso-Gonzalez, C. Golnik, M. Berthel, A. Dreyer, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, K. Heidel, T. Kormoll, H. Rohling, S. Schöne, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner, G. Pausch
Test of Compton camera components for prompt gamma imaging at the ELBE bremsstrahlung beam
Journal of Instrumentation 9, 05002 (2014)



L. Karsch, J. Pawelke
Theoretical investigation of the saturation correction for ionization chambers irradiated with pulsed beams of arbitrary pulse length.
Z. Med. Phys. , published online (2013),

A. Jochmann, A. Irman, M. Bussmann, J.P. Couperus, T. E. Cowan, A.D. Debus, M. Kuntzsch, K.W.D. Ledingham, U. Lehnert, R. Sauerbrey, H.P. Schlenvoigt, D. Seipt, T. Stoehlker, D.B. Thorn, S. Trotsenko, A. Wagner, and U. Schramm
High resolution energy-angle correlation measurement on hard X-rays from Laser-Thomson backscattering
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 114803 (2013)

A. Jochmann, A. Irman, U. Lehnert, J.P. Couperus, M. Kuntzsch, S. Trotsenko, A. Wagner, A.D. Debus, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, U. Helbig, S. Bock, K.W.D. Ledingham, T.E. Cowan, R. Sauerbrey, U. Schramm,
Operation of a picosecond narrow-bandwidth Laser–Thomson-backscattering X-ray source
NIM B 309, 214 (2013)

L.Karsch, M. Gotz, J. Pawelke
Influence of pulse length on collection efficiency of ionization chambers irradiated with pulsed beams
Med. Phys. International 1(No.2), 401(2013)

F. Kroll, J. Pawelke, L. Karsch
Preliminary investigations on the determination of three-dimensional dose distributions using scintillator blocks and optical tomography
Med. Phys. 40 (No.8), 082104-1(2013)



L. Karsch, E. Beyreuther, T. Burris-Mog, S. Kraft, C. Richter, K. Zeil and J. Pawelke
Dose rate dependence for different dosimeters and detectors: TLD, OSL, EBT films, and diamond detectors
Med. Phys. 39 5, 2447 (2012)



C. Richter, M. Kaluza, L. Karsch, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, M. Schürer, M. Sobiella, J. Woithe, J. Pawelke
Dosimetry of laser-accelerated electron beams used for in vitro cell irradiation experiments
Radiat. Meas. 46(12), 2006-9 (2011)

L. Karsch, C. Richter, J. Pawelke
Experimental investigation of the collection efficiency of a PTW Roos ionization chamber irradiated with pulsed beams at high pulse dose with different pulse length
Z. Med. Phys. 21, 4-10 (2011)

C. Richter, L. Karsch, Y. Dammene, S. D. Kraft, J. Metzkes, U. Schramm, M. Schürer, M. Sobiella, A. Weber, K. Zeil, J. Pawelke
A dosimetric system for quantitative cell irradiation experiments with laser-accelerated protons.
Phys. Med. Biol. 56 (No. 6),1529 (2011)

W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, H.  Büttig, Levon Sh.Grigoryan, Alpik R. Mkrtchyan, J. Pawelke
Channeling radiation on quartz stimulated by acoustic waves Nuovo Cimento C34 04, 133 (2011)

Florian Kroll
Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung dreidimensionaler Dosisverteilungen mittels Szintillatorblöcken und optischer Tomografie
Diplomarbeit, 23.11.2011, Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik der Technischen Universität Dresden



W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, H. Büttig, J. Pawelke, M. Sobiella, L. Sh. Grigoryan,
Probing channeling radiation influenced by ultrasound,
Int. Conf. on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena III, Erice, Sicily, 2008

K. Zeil, S.D. Kraft, A. Jochmann, F. Kroll, W. Jahr, U. Schramm, L. Karsch, J. Pawelke, B. Hidding, G. Pretzler
Absolute response of Fuji imaging plate detectors to picosecond-electron bunches
Rev. Sci. Instr. 81 013307 (1-6) (2010)

E. Beyreuther, W. Enghardt, M. Kaluza, L. Karsch, L. Laschinsky, E. Lessmann, M. Nicolai, J. Pawelke, C. Richter, R. Sauerbrey, H.P. Schlenvoigt, M. Baumann
Establishment of technical prerequisites for cell irradiation experiments with laser-accelerated electrons
Med. Phys. 37(4),1392-1400 (2010)

A. Buck, K. Zeil, A. Popp, K. Schmid, A. Jochmann, S.D. Kraft, B. Hidding, T. Kudyakov, CMS. Sears, L. Veisz, S. Karsch, J. Pawelke, R. Sauerbrey, T. Cowan, F. Krausz, U. Schramm
Absolute charge calibration of scintillating screens for relativistic electron detection
Rev. Sci. Instr. 81 (2010) 033301 (1-6)

L. Karsch, C. Richter, J. Pawelke
Der Einsatz von Ionisationskammern für kurzgepulste Strahlungsfelder mit hoher Pulsdosis
Strahlenth. Onkol. 186 (Sondernr. 1) (2010) 93

C. Richter, E. Beyreuther, Y. Dammene, W. Enghardt, M. Kaluza, L. Karsch, L. Laschinksy, E. Lessmann, D. Naumburger, M. Nicolai, R. Sauerbrey, H.P. Schlenvoigt, M. Schürer, M. Sobiella, A. Weber, J. Pawelke, M. Baumann
Laser-based particle acceleration for future ion therapy: Current status of the joint project onCOOPtics with special focus on beam delivery and dosimetry
Med. Phys. 37 (6), 3292 (2010)

L. Karsch, C. Richter, J. Pawelke
Einfluss der Pulslänge bei hohen Pulsdosen auf die Sättigungskorrektur von Ionisationskammern
In: N. Hodapp, J. Hennig, M. Mix (Eds.): Medizinische Physik, ISBN 3-925218-88-2, 237-40 (2010)

L. Karsch, C. Richter, J. PawelkeInfluence of pulse length and high pulse dose on saturation correction of ionization chamber
Book of Extended Synopses, International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA-CN-182, 273-74 (2010)

H. Backe, D. Krambrich, W. Lauth, B. Buonomo, S.B. Dabagov, G. Mazzitelli, L. Quintieri, H.J. Lundsgaard, U.I. Uggerhoj, A. Azadegan, A. Dizdar, W. Wagner
Future aspects of X-ray emission from crystalline undulators at positron channeling
Proc. of the 4th International Conference Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena,
Channeling 2010, 03.-08.10.2010, Ferrara, Italy

B. Azadegan, S.B. Dabagov, W. Wagner
Simulation of axial channeling radiation on a thin Ge single crystal
Proc. of the 4th International Conference Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena,
Channeling 2010, 03.-08.10.2010, Ferrara, Italy

W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, H.  Büttig, L.S. Grigoryan, A.R. Mkrtchyan, J. Pawelke
Channeling radiation on quartz stimulated by acoustic waves
Proc. of the 4th International Conference Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena, Channeling 2010, 03.-08.10.2010, Ferrara, Italy

A.R. Mkrtchyan, L.S. Grigoryan, A.H. Mkrtchyan, H.F. Khachatryan, W. Wagner, B. Azadegan
Quantum uncertainties in the energy of transverse oscillations of planar channeled particle
Proc. of the International conference on electrons, positrons, neutrons and X-rays scattering under external influences, 26.-30.10.2009, Yerevan-Meghri, Armenia, 2010; ISBN 978-99941-2-486-2

W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, H. Büttig, A.R. Mkrtchyan, L.S. Grigoryan, J. Pawelke
Channeling radiation on quartz influenced by acoustic waves
Proc. of the International conference on electrons, positrons, neutrons and X-rays scattering under external influences, 26.-30.10.2009, Yerevan-Meghri, Armenia, 2010; ISBN 978-99941-2-486-2

E. Beyreuther
Realization of radiobiological in vitro cell experiments at conventional X-ray tubes and unconventional radiation sources,
Dissertation TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2010 Wiss.-Techn. Berichte FZD-540 (2010)



K. Zeil, E. Beyreuther, E. Lessmann, W. Wagner, J. Pawelke
Cell irradiation setup and dosimetry for radiobiological studies at ELBE
NIM B 267, 2403-10 (2009)

D. Kunath, F. Fiedler, T. Kluge, T. Kormoll, K. Laube, J. Pawelke, M. Priegnitz, G. Shakirin, W. Enghardt
The potential of in-beam positron emission tomography within image-guided radiation therapy
Radiother. Oncol. 90 (Suppl. 3),77 (2009)

E. Beyreuther, W. dörr, A. Lehnert, E. Lessmann, J. Pawelke
Relative biological effectiveness of 25 kV and 10 kV X-rays for the induction of chromosomal aberrations in two human mammary epithelial cell lines
Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 169,  330-36 (2009)

E. Beyreuther, E. Lessmann, J. Pawelke, S. Pieck
DNA double-strand break signalling: X-ray energy dependence of residual co-localized foci of g-H2AX and 53BP1
Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 85 (No. 11), 1042-50 (2009)

D. Kunath, T. Kluge, J. Pawelke, M. Priegnitz, W. Enghardt
In-beam and off-beam PET measurements of target activation by megovolt X-ray beams
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science 56 (No. 1), 57-65 (2009)

L. Laschinsky, E. Beyreuther, W. Enghardt, L. Karsch, E. Leßmann, D. Naumburger, M. Nicolai, J. Pawelke, C. Richter, R. Sauerbrey, H.P. Schlenvoigt, M. Baumann
Laser particle accelerators for radiotherapy: First in-vitro cell experiments with laser accelerated electron beams
Radioth. Oncol. 90 (Suppl. 3), 50-51 (2009)

L. Karsch (Oncoray), M. Baumann, W. Enghardt, J. Pawelke, R. Sauerbrey, K. Zeil
Einrichtung zur Überwachung der Dosis gepulster Teilchenstrahlen bei der medizinischen Strahlentherapie
Deutsche Patentanmeldung DE 10 2009 040 456.2 27 August 2009



B. Azadegan
Investigation of planar channeling radiation on diamond and quartz crystals at electron energies between 14 and 34 MeV and probing the influence of ultrasonic waves on channeling radiation,
Dissertation TU Dresden 2007
Wiss.-Techn. Berichte FZD-495(2008)

W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, H. Büttig, L.S. Grigoryan, M. Sobiella, J. Pawelke
Probing channeling radiation influenced by ultrasound Proc. of. the 3rd International Conference on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena (Channeling 2008), 25.10.-01.11.2008, Erice, Sicily, Italy

W. Wagner, J. Pawelke, B. Azadegan, M. Sobiella, J. Steiner, K. Zeil,
An intense channeling radiation source
NIM B 266, 327 (2008)

D. Kunath, T. Kluge, J. Pawelke, M. Priegnitz, W. Enghardt
In-beam and off-beam PET measurements of target activation by Megavolt X-ray beams
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 56 (1), 57 (2008)

B. Azadegan, L.Sh. Grigoryan, J. Pawelke, W. WagnerInvestigation of planar electron channeling radiation generated in quartz single crystals
J. Phys. B 41, 235101 (2008)



T. Kluge, D. Möckel, J. Pawelke, W. Enghardt,
First in-beam PET measurement of β+ radioactivity induced by hard photon beams
Physics in Medicine and Biology 52, N467 (2007)

D. Möckel, H. Müller, J. Pawelke, M. Sommer, E.Will, W.Enghardt,Quantification of beta+ activity generated by hard photons by means of PET
Physics in Medicine and Biology 52, 2515 (2007)

W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, L. Sh. Grigoryan, J. Pawelke
Planar channeling radiation from electrons in quartz
Europhysics Letters 78, 56004 (2007)

W. Neubert, B. Azadegan, W. Enghardt, K. Heidel, J. Pawelke, W. Wagner,
Electron beam monitoring for channeling radiation measurements
NIM B 245, 319 (2007)

J. Pawelke, T. Bortfeld, F. Fiedler, T. Kluge, D. Möckel, K. Parodi, F. Pönisch, G. Shakirin, W. Enghardt,
Therapy monitoring with PET techniques ,
Proc. Ion Beams in Biology and Medicine (IBIBAM), 26.-29. 09. 2007, Heidelberg, Germany, Köln: TÜV Media GmbH, 978-3-8249-1071-7, 97-105.

W. Wagner, B. Azadegan, J. Pawelke,
An intense channeling radiation X-ray source
Abstr. European Physical Society 31C (2007) Heraklion, Crete, Greece

B. Azadegan, W. Wagner, J. Pawelke, L. Sh. Grigoryan,
Planar channeling radiation from electrons in quartz,
Proc. Internat. Conf. on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena II, Frascati, 2006, SPIE, vol.6634 (2007) 66340S

D. Möckel, T. Kluge, J. Pawelke, W.Enghardt
Comparison of in-beam and off-beam PET experiments at hard photons
In: Bo Yu (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu, Hawai, ISBN 1-4244-0923-3 (2007) 4113

K. Zeil
Physikalisch-technische Vorbereitung von Zellbestrahlungen am intensiven Channeling-Röntgenstrahl der Strahlungsquelle ELBE
Diplomarbeit, Humboldt-Universität Berlin und FZD, Januar 2007

T. Kluge
In-beam Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie an Strahlen harter Photonen
Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Dresden und FZD, März 2007
