Fifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics(CGS15) |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-RossendorfTechnische Universität Dresden, August 25 to August 29, 2014 |
The 15'th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, CGS 15, is the fifteenth symposium in a series that started in Studsvik, Sweden (1969) and continued in Petten, The Netherlands (1974); Brookhaven, USA (1978); Grenoble, France (1981); Knoxville, USA (1984); Leuven, Belgium (1987); Asilomar, USA (1990); Fribourg, Switzerland (1993); Budapest, Hungary (1996); Santa Fe, USA (1999); Prague, Czech Republic (2002), South Bend, USA (2005), Cologne, Germany (2008) and Guelph, Canada (2011).
The Symposium will continue the general themes of earlier conferences with special emphasis on gamma-ray spectroscopy, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, nuclear data and applications related to capture reactions. Topics to be discussed during the symposium will include the following, but are not limited to only these:
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear reactions
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear data and applications
- Statistical properties of quantum many-body systems
- Fundamental physics