WINS 2014 Workshop on Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering
WINS 2014 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Bautzner Landstrasse 400 01328 Dresden, Germany |
Workshop Organization Committee: |
Important dates: Registration deadline: September 15, 2014 Workshop: December 3 -5, 2014 |
Conference Scope
This workshop is the third of the WINS workshops after the workshops in Strasbourg (2010) and Boston (2012). It is focused on the experimental and theoretical activities in the field of neutron elastic and inelastic scattering in the fast energy range. The meeting will bring together the important researchers in the fields of experiment, theory and data evaluation to exchange ideas, identify areas of cooperation, and to discuss plans for the future.
Abstract submission is closed
We plan to publish the presentations on the web.
Local Organisation
Arnd Junghans (HZDR)
Roland Beyer (HZDR)
Anne Varga, Sirit Vellguth (conference secretary)
Tentative Agenda
Sessions on:
-Experimental studies of elastic neutron scattering
-Experimental studies of inelastic neutron scattering
-Theory and models for fast neutron scattering
-Nuclear data needs and international collaborations
Travel and Accomodation Information
A Block of rooms has been reserved at Hotel IBIS Dresden Lilienstein until November 11, 2014.
Reservations (Code: WINS 2014) can be made by email, phone, or fax. For details see the reservation form.
Bus transfer from downtown Dresden (bus leaving at IBIS Hotel Dresden Lilienstein) to the workshop venue HZDR will be provided.