MEMRIOX Evaluation 2014


  • 9-12am, 12Jun2014 Rehearsal Berlin presentations, NaMLab, Dresden
  • Jun2014 (week25) 2nd Rehearsal Berlin presentations, NaMLab, Dresden
  • 1:15-3:15pm, 04Jul2014 Presentation at Helmholtz head quarter, Berlin

The questionnaire to be answered by the external reviewers can be found here (Internal Use).
The detailed content of the written documents to be provided in advance is available here (Internal Use).
More information on the Midterm evaluation process can be found here (Internal Use).
The Midterm Evaluation Report 2014 was delivered to the Helmholtz Association on May 20, 2014.

To prepare the midterm evaluation a project meeting took place in conjunction with the Spring meeting of the DPG in Dresden on April 03, 2014.
The protocol of the meeting can be found here (Internal Use).

The presentations of the PhD students about the highlight during their studies can be found here (Internal Use).
Memriox Meeting Dresden 2014 Presentations JPG